Is there concerns that Wheeler is a locker room problem ?


Registered User
Mar 11, 2016
He is probably a strong leader/voice in the dressing room and alot of kids nowadays cant handle that.

He seems like he is exactly what a captain should be, but things are different nowadays and people expect to be treated differently.
It’s not a requirement to be an asshole to be a good leader/captain.

If things are different nowadays why should he act like a captain from the previous era? (Even though that’s not how captains acted despite what you think.)


Registered User
Dec 28, 2017
It’s not a requirement to be an asshole to be a good leader/captain.

If things are different nowadays why should he act like a captain from the previous era? (Even though that’s not how captains acted despite what you think.)

From Wheeler's own words he has not so much necessarily been a "strong voice", as he has been a guy who tends to sulk when things aren't going his way.

Sometimes it's preferable to be a bit of an asshole, a bit aggressive, to being a guy who gives others the silent treatment. Communication is important, and he himself admitted as much.


Registered User
Dec 16, 2015
Gee I can't imagine that a 5th OA pick that refused to sign with his drafting team would have a personality issue.
Who's that? Laine was 2nd OA and signed a bridge. You can pick that apart for good reason, but let's keep the details straight.


Registered User
Dec 16, 2015
I think this shines a light on Laine as much as anything else. There was a reason they were hard on him. We all hear jokes about fortnight all night. He likely didn’t take things as seriously as the others and didn’t like it when they called him out. Both sides were likely right.

I usually automatically take heed of your posts as excellent insight, but here I think you're wrong. I think Laine took things seriously, but by year two or so, got frustrated at the good problem the Jets had at the wings. It was obvious he loved playing and hustling on the ice with Ehlers in particular, and Scheifele too. The Fortnite syndrom seemed more like a symptom than a cause. And then some awful lack of effort kicked in, and that's on Laine's score card.

So yes, it's not like Maurice or Wheeler or the alignment of the planets is to blame. It was just shit that happens sometimes with rookies.

The trade seems to be what was exactly the right thing to do for both organizations. But I think Laine took it more seriously than you think, and that was the problem with him. (Hell, I was born in Tampere too... lovely city but gloomy is what we do well.)


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Dec 8, 2003
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I usually automatically take heed of your posts as excellent insight, but here I think you're wrong. I think Laine took things seriously, but by year two or so, got frustrated at the good problem the Jets had at the wings. It was obvious he loved playing and hustling on the ice with Ehlers in particular, and Scheifele too. The Fortnite syndrom seemed more like a symptom than a cause. And then some awful lack of effort kicked in, and that's on Laine's score card.

So yes, it's not like Maurice or Wheeler or the alignment of the planets is to blame. It was just shit that happens sometimes with rookies.

The trade seems to be what was exactly the right thing to do for both organizations. But I think Laine took it more seriously than you think, and that was the problem with him. (Hell, I was born in Tampere too... lovely city but gloomy is what we do well.)
Good post and I’m sure you’re right. I think part of what I’m trying to say was that people are likely going too far about the atmosphere Wheeler was a part of creating in terms of it driving the kid away. It always sounded like a good thing the way the guys tried to keep the room, and at the same time inevitable that a good player or two would chafe or not fit in perfectly and move on because of it.

I’m sure the depth they had and Laine wanting to be a primary player played a role in his discontent. I’m not one that ever thought he was particularly lazy. He’s a goal scorer, they tend to be streaky and it isn’t unusual for them to have to learn how to be better players when they’re cold.

I really think the trade could great for both teams. PLD is the one I’d be more concerned about in terms of embracing the clean slate he’s been given but it wouldn’t surprise me to see both flourish with their new teams. I bet Torts and Laine will be great together, I think as a player he’s ready to be pushed the way Torts does.
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Nickel eye Heel hers

Happy thoughts
Feb 12, 2016
granola island, BC
Some of the language he uses concerns me. In an interview he did after Laine left, he was asked if he would change the way he handled things with Laine in the locker room. He starts to give the text book answer you'd expect a C on a NHL team to give then he strays. Talks about if anything he was too soft, that he coddled and babied some rookies if anything too much. It came across at least to me, that even in an interview with reporters listening he couldn't stop himself from being a bit of an asshole and a narcissist.

This isn't a one time deal, there are interviews over the last 3 years, where to my memory he has taken this tone or attitude of being better or above than some of his teammate's.

As a fan of the Jets, this wouldn't bother me as much if this season, he wasn't playing so badly. 80% of his points came from playing the Sens who are likely the worst team in the division this year, and I believe only 2 of his total points only came 5 v 5. Defensively, especially last night against the Canucks, he was completely unaware of his coverage when defending in his own end. If there are rumors or concerns that you are starting to lose the locker room, at least show some leadership on the ice. He's been very quiet against every team but the Sens.


Registered User
Dec 16, 2015
Good post and I’m sure you’re right. I think part of what I’m trying to say was that people are likely going too far about the atmosphere Wheeler was a part of creating in terms of it driving the kid away. It always sounded like a good thing the way the guys tried to keep the room, and at the same time inevitable that a good player or two would chafe or not fit in perfectly and move on because of it.

I’m sure the depth they had and Laine wanting to be a primary player played a role in his discontent. I’m not one that ever thought he was particularly lazy. He’s a goal scorer, they tend to be streaky and it isn’t unusual for them to have to learn how to be better players when they’re cold.

I really think the trade could great for both teams. PLD is the one I’d be more concerned about in terms of embracing the clean slate he’s been given but it wouldn’t surprise me to see both flourish with their new teams. I bet Torts and Laine will be great together, I think as a player he’s ready to be pushed the way Torts does.

Agreed about Torts and Laine. I readily see some sparks flying between them but in a manner that the latter needs and welcomes.

BTW, I remember when Laine scored that reflexive own goal. Looked so dead miserable on the bench... and it was Wheeler who hugged him and picked his spirits up.

A wide variety of narratives will keep writing themselves, no doubt.


Bergevin sent me an offer sheet
Apr 25, 2014
From what I understand he believes he's a hotshot and only wants to be with his family.

Also, players in the room don't believe he should be captain and that Scheifele should. But in all honesty, he needs the C stripped off his jersey because I find he's pushing Maurice around. But what also makes it difficult is he's embracing a city nobody wants to play for but at the same time gave him the chance no team did that happens to be close to where he's from.

But what the Jets need is a coach that takes no players bullshit and puts the team in the right direction. I honestly believe Joel Quenneville could've been that coach.


why u guys want Celebrini, he played like a weenie
Feb 18, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Some of the language he uses concerns me. In an interview he did after Laine left, he was asked if he would change the way he handled things with Laine in the locker room. He starts to give the text book answer you'd expect a C on a NHL team to give then he strays. Talks about if anything he was too soft, that he coddled and babied some rookies if anything too much. It came across at least to me, that even in an interview with reporters listening he couldn't stop himself from being a bit of an asshole and a narcissist.

This isn't a one time deal, there are interviews over the last 3 years, where to my memory he has taken this tone or attitude of being better or above than some of his teammate's.

As a fan of the Jets, this wouldn't bother me as much if this season, he wasn't playing so badly. 80% of his points came from playing the Sens who are likely the worst team in the division this year, and I believe only 2 of his total points only came 5 v 5. Defensively, especially last night against the Canucks, he was completely unaware of his coverage when defending in his own end. If there are rumors or concerns that you are starting to lose the locker room, at least show some leadership on the ice. He's been very quiet against every team but the Sens.

Here are some more quotes from Wheeler, from Feb 2020, middle of last season. It just seems like Wheeler wants to BE THE COACH. I think, that's why he loves Maurice so much is that Maurice lets him have free reign. It's like if Wheeler doesn't like a guy toe-dragging here and there, he gets them moved down a line. It's just curious when you see Laine doing well, improving on defense, and then abruptly gets pushed to the 2nd line. It's like his teammates have to think about playing the game and think about appeasing him. That's just too much.
“It’s so different now, “Wheeler said. “If a player has an off night or two bad shifts, you can’t sit them anymore. You can’t take them out of the lineup, there’s nobody to replace them. So I think that’s a big adjustment for a coach. How do you send a message to a guy or get the most out of a player when the consequences aren’t like they used to be. I think he’s done a really good job… creating some relationships with guys so that he can come to you when it’s good and he can come to you when it’s bad and you know it’s coming from a good place.”

"You used to play out of fear — there’s no fear anymore,” Wheeler said. “You can toe-drag as many times as you want now and there’s nowhere to go, you’re in the league.”
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Registered User
Jul 12, 2011
Winnipeg, MB
From what I understand he believes he's a hotshot and only wants to be with his family.

Also, players in the room don't believe he should be captain and that Scheifele should. But in all honesty, he needs the C stripped off his jersey because I find he's pushing Maurice around. But what also makes it difficult is he's embracing a city nobody wants to play for but at the same time gave him the chance no team did that happens to be close to where he's from.

But what the Jets need is a coach that takes no players bullshit and puts the team in the right direction. I honestly believe Joel Quenneville could've been that coach.



Registered User
Jan 8, 2009
Wheeler is above PPG again, Jets are 10-4-1 since Feb 1. and jumped to 2nd in the division.

Superstar Laine is producing at 55 point pace in Columbus while playing 18mins a night, really showing Winnipeg how bad they mishandled him. :laugh:
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Registered User
Jul 27, 2017
Middle Earth
The Jets have not miss Laine at all since the trade. While PLD has been hot and cold playing with the Jets I still think that the Jets are a much better team since the trade. While I wish Laine the best in Columbus I do not miss him or his Laine Bros on the Jets HFBoards.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2015
I liked Laine as a Jet, and will never dislike him. I just won't be paying any attention to him now. Same as any Jet that leaves.

Dubois has improved the team, and it's not the fault of Laine, Wheeler, Scheifele, Maurice, or anybody else. He's just improved the team. Full stop. From what I hear, the locker room is a happier place, too, but like everyone else, I don't know anything about the locker room for sure.

We also know that Wheeler was playing the first part of the season with a nagging injury that slowed him down considerably, which is why he was "only" averaging a point per game. The last week and a half he's been brilliant. He set up Connor (I think) with a blind pass for a goal the other night against Vancouver that was stunning. In the last three years he leads the NHL in primary assists (220+).

Is Wheeler making more money than you'd like to pay a 34 year old? Of course! Was Wheeler vastly underpaid for the previous six seasons? Absolutely!

That's one of the things about the way professional sports works. The best players always end up making the most money in their later years, making up for being underpaid while at their peak. It's a necessary evil, though, because when you talk about teams that nobody wants to play for, underpaying your top players is high on the list of reasons to stay away. Every good team has overpaid veterans. And good for's not like Wheelers isn't still a valuable player for the Jets.


The Dark Side Of The Goon
Feb 16, 2016
I liked Laine as a Jet, and will never dislike him. I just won't be paying any attention to him now. Same as any Jet that leaves.

Dubois has improved the team, and it's not the fault of Laine, Wheeler, Scheifele, Maurice, or anybody else. He's just improved the team. Full stop. From what I hear, the locker room is a happier place, too, but like everyone else, I don't know anything about the locker room for sure.

We also know that Wheeler was playing the first part of the season with a nagging injury that slowed him down considerably, which is why he was "only" averaging a point per game. The last week and a half he's been brilliant. He set up Connor (I think) with a blind pass for a goal the other night against Vancouver that was stunning. In the last three years he leads the NHL in primary assists (220+).

Is Wheeler making more money than you'd like to pay a 34 year old? Of course! Was Wheeler vastly underpaid for the previous six seasons? Absolutely!

That's one of the things about the way professional sports works. The best players always end up making the most money in their later years, making up for being underpaid while at their peak. It's a necessary evil, though, because when you talk about teams that nobody wants to play for, underpaying your top players is high on the list of reasons to stay away. Every good team has overpaid veterans. And good for's not like Wheelers isn't still a valuable player for the Jets.

If Wheels is able to continue this level of play for a few more seasons I wouldn't think his contract was an overpay at all. He seems to be a lot happier now that the Laine stuff is in the past. As are most Jets fans from what I can see, and the Jets are a lot more of a balanced team for it.


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