#%^*+" # injuries..


Welcome to my house!
Feb 18, 2014
The rink ..too often

Done something to my knee playing pick up and missed last game. One of those things you don't know if it will be alright next week or if you're gonna be out a while.

This stuff never happened in my twenties and thirties, at least not without a real collision or twist where you knew exactly what caused it and what the problem was before you rocked up to the doctor.

Just as I was running into some good form.

What injuries people had or are carrying? I can throw in an old meniscus tear I never had surgery on and a shoulder with limited mobility from playing football for far too long.


Nov 9, 2004
Ive been almost completely injury free my entire 20's....im 30 this year and now little things are starting to catch up to me, even when working out I have little injury that tend to linger a bit longer (knees and shoulders) :cry:


Welcome to my house!
Feb 18, 2014
The rink ..too often
I've had a few concussions and plenty of stitches, but been relatively free of really serious injury. Missed half a season with a knee injury in my twenties, another with an AC joint one year and a whole season with a hernia after overdoing it in the gym, broke a hand too.

Everything else has generally been muscular; groin and hamstring injuries my specialty. I swear by compression clothing though which really cut those down the last ten years or so.

Got my knee now, last season was a groin and the year before another broken hand


Registered User
Aug 6, 2015
Oklahoma City
Blown my left ACL out twice. Both knees have some cartilage or meniscus issues because they crack when I standup from a crouching position. Now that I'm in my mid thirties, it definitely takes a little to recover after games. Used to go to work the next morning and be fine, now I walk a bit more gingerly after a tough game.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2010
Las Vegas
This stuff never happened in my twenties and thirties,

I assume that you're in your 40's. I officiated hockey for 35 years and never had a knee injury. My knees started aching when I was in my 40's. I had Gary Smith, who was the hockey team trainer at the University of Minnesota and the trainer for the 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team, check them out. He found no injury. His comment was, "You're getting old."

Twenty years later, I had my doctor tell me, "You've been walking on them for over 60 years." I'm 76 and yes, my knees still ache.

shoeshine boy

Registered User
Aug 14, 2008
I've avoided most serious injuries, knock on wood. in January of 2014 I had a bad ankle sprain and that put me out for 3 months off and on. probably should've been more off but you know how hockey players are.....
probably my most painful was getting hit in my left ear with a teammate's slapshot. sliced right through my ear and took several stitches to sew up. over 8 months later my ear still hurts if you hit it in the wrong spot.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2011
"Great Lakes State"
Broken shoulder, sprained AC joint, torn cartilage in knee, broken each foot, broken nose, torn ligaments/cartilage in wrist, concussions... you name it. Each injury presents a different set of challenges, but the knee and the wrist have been the two that have provided the biggest challenge.

My knee nags me after I play, but it is very few and far between that I experience pain while playing. My wrist is a different story. In another week it will have been one year since I had wrist fusion surgery to repair my torn ligaments and cartilage. It is the wrist on my top hand, so I have had to make a lot of adjustments and I still feel like I have a ways to go until it feels "normal." I'm still working on getting my strength back, so some days it feels fine, some days it feels like a limp noodle. It is frustrating when your brain sends the message to your body to do something like curl and drag, but your body can't do it. However, I know it's a process and I just have to keep doing the right things: Motrin, ice, and rest (if necessary).


Registered User
Dec 7, 2010
Las Vegas
Something that you might consider, a Copper Compression Sleeve. Sometimes when I have a sharp pain in my knee, I slip one on and it takes the pain away. They make them for knees and elbows, are flexible, comfortable and are not expensive.


HFBoards Sponsor
Nov 17, 2009
Sprained my MCL in late June and have slowly been getting back to playing sports. All I did was slow down and bend my knees and next moment I know I'm on the ground in pain. I'm only 25 so getting into my 30s scares me lol


Nov 9, 2004
Something that you might consider, a Copper Compression Sleeve. Sometimes when I have a sharp pain in my knee, I slip one on and it takes the pain away. They make them for knees and elbows, are flexible, comfortable and are not expensive.

Just ordered one for my knee. Lately when jogging my knee starts to get really sore for some reason and after about 10 minutes I have to stop. Hoping this will help.


Registered User
Oct 28, 2006
Concussions, so many concussions. Playing again next week for the first time in 8 months. People that aim for the head in rec league are pretty much the biggest *******s in the world.

Summer Rose

Red Like Roses
May 3, 2012
Gainesville, Florida
Lots of concussions. So many. Broken finger, broken ribs, broken collarbone, broken teeth. Lots of sprains, including a really bad one on my knee that kept me sidelined for 2 months. Broken cheekbone.

I'm only 29. I think if there's a God, he's trying to tell me to quit hockey.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2014
Earlier this year (23 years old), i tore my MCL. Was going behind the net and tried to cut back to go the other way, and some guy came from my blindside and hit my knee square. Felt and heard it pop. Took about 8 weeks until I tried to skate and about 10 weeks until i was playing games again.

mikitas donut

Flowers of Antimony
Sep 10, 2010
Northern Illinois
I have a disc herniation that randomly acts up. I also sprained my left MCL back in february. Still hurts a bit but is better for the most part. Just recently sprained my LCL on the same knee >:(


Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
Nothing major for me, but a few of the guys I've played with have been hobbling along for years on bum knees, pulled groins, rusty shoulders, etc. I tend to get the bloody or smarting injuries rather than the ones that persist and hold you back.

Although, in the past month or two I've developed some odd issue w/my right foot and I can't figure out if it's from skating or who-knows-what-else. Seems to never both me when I'm on skates, though. I'm just waiting for the day it goes from "hmm, that feels weird" to "Oh ****, I can hardly put weight on it!" .


Registered User
Jul 29, 2013
Long Island, NY
I got three concussions (albeit minor ones) in an 18 month span. Two from checks and my head hitting the ice, one from an idiot who whipped his stick out in the locker room and right into my temple. These led to the end of my hockey career.


Registered User
Jun 16, 2014
Broken hand, broken toe, dislocated shoulder and a pair of concussions. The concussions happened back in the glory days of HS hockey, one was just me trying to check a dude who instead rocked me ... I woke up on the ice thinking, what the hell am I doing taking a nap, I have to get back in the play! I remember skating back to the bench and my teammates waiting for me with a serenade of "tweet tweet tweet tweet. nice hit bro!". The other was not too long after that, skating on a breakaway and getting tripped at the last minute, then going face first into the post. Woke up to the goalie on the other team being like, uhhh are you okay? But in the glory days of course there were no rules about having to sit out after a head hit, no tests other than, "how many fingers am I holding up" so I got a penalty shot out of the deal, which I think I missed.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2013
At the rink.
I started playing organized sports when I was 7, and I'm 19 now. Never had a single injury that kept me out for more than a week or two. Started playing hockey in the 2013-14 season, and in my second practice of 2014-15, my back started killing me. Turns out one of my disks is popped out a little bit, and more of my spine is messed up. Haven't gotten back out on the ice since. And it sucks.


Welcome to my house!
Feb 18, 2014
The rink ..too often
Anyone had a cartilage problem? Am back playing and skating alright after a proper warmup, but I've lost some knee bend, am struggling to really load up on the one knee when transitioning from backwards to forwards and the like and am favoring one side.

Am planning on persevering for a little while now it's settled down a little, but if it doesn't improve will go see the doctor.

Haven't road run for nearly three weeks but gonna have a go tomorrow.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2011
"Great Lakes State"
Anyone had a cartilage problem? Am back playing and skating alright after a proper warmup, but I've lost some knee bend, am struggling to really load up on the one knee when transitioning from backwards to forwards and the like and am favoring one side.

Am planning on persevering for a little while now it's settled down a little, but if it doesn't improve will go see the doctor.

Haven't road run for nearly three weeks but gonna have a go tomorrow.

My right knee sustained a lot of trauma in my late teens/early twenties and I have less than 20% of my cartilage left. This caused me a lot of problems for a few years because I was young and dumb and didn't listen to anyone's advice; to me it was just another injury that would heal or I would get used to.

Once I smartened up in my mid-twenties and limited the high-impact activity, rested it when my body told me to rest it, and started regularly wearing a brace or sleeve, did I start to see improvement. When I was about 28 I started taking a glucosamine and chondroitin supplement. I saw a big improvement in my range of motion and my overall level of discomfort after I started that.

My battle is with inflammation. If I start to notice any inflammation at all, I go straight to rest/ice/Motrin. At least with me, things can escalate very quickly. If I have a few games in a short period, I have to take one off in the middle or my body will let me know that I've over done it. It sucks, but better to take a couple of games off sporadically than play three in a row and miss a month or more.

In your situation, I would avoid high-impact stuff like road running until you see some improvement. I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV.
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Registered User
Oct 29, 2012
Unfortunately I'm going to win this thread. I've had 7 spine surgeries, now have permanent sciatic nerve damage in my left leg, can't feel anything from my knee to my ankle. As a result can't really push off with my left leg.

With my last surgery I set the record with my doctor for most back surgeries, passing up Eric Daze for the title.

I had a neurosurgeon tell me that for me to keep playing hockey I am half medical miracle and half moron.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2003
Unfortunately I'm going to win this thread. I've had 7 spine surgeries, now have permanent sciatic nerve damage in my left leg, can't feel anything from my knee to my ankle. As a result can't really push off with my left leg.

With my last surgery I set the record with my doctor for most back surgeries, passing up Eric Daze for the title.

I had a neurosurgeon tell me that for me to keep playing hockey I am half medical miracle and half moron.

Wow. My first thought was "nice bedside manner"…then as the magnitude of the injuries sunk in I was thinking he was being relatively diplomatic…I have to admire your spirit!


Welcome to my house!
Feb 18, 2014
The rink ..too often
..and on the mend. Been a little over three weeks. Still can't load up fully on the knee, but the stride is coming back and the discomfort is easing up. Running about 90% after being skating like a cripple a couple of weeks ago. Some life left in them knees yet..at least a little.
Jul 31, 2005
..and on the mend. Been a little over three weeks. Still can't load up fully on the knee, but the stride is coming back and the discomfort is easing up. Running about 90% after being skating like a cripple a couple of weeks ago. Some life left in them knees yet..at least a little.

I know this is an unpopular thought and people are scared of the word but have you ever thought about getting your testosterone levels checked? There are doctor and medical insurance approved therapies, turns the clock back for some people.


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