While we're on the topic of video games. It's been three plus years since the last Metroid game. And that one was way past due.
Metroid has got to be top 3 all time in Nintendo Franchises (After Mario, obviously, and perhaps The Legend of Zelda, though I personally would put it ahead of both of them) and easily a Top 10 Franchise of all video games. Yet us Samus fan boys are always left hanging while Nintendo shoves some gimmicky, overly cartoony Mario or Zelda game down our throats.
Metroid is by far the most
"Adult" of Nintendo's franchises and that gritty, realistic, sad, nihilistic story line is what drew me in, in the first place.
In short Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto, I want less of this:
And more of this:
I may like to act like a kid, but I'm not six anymore