Nikishin al Gaib
THIS is hockey?
- Jun 8, 2017
- 27,177
- 98,274
Through their practices UHC has killed more people than the Taliban did, and I don't think anyone is advocating that killing Bin Laden wasn't justified.That's not correct, it is black and white. Murder, legally defined, is ALWAYS wrong. "Justifiable Homicide" isn't considered "Murder". One is considered lawful and one unlawful.
Murder has a legal definition of unlawfully killing someone with malice aforethought. That can either be premeditated (1st degree) or in the heat of the moment (2nd degree). This was clearly 1st degree (presuming he did it, doesn't have an insanity plea, and is convicted).
Justifiable Homicide is killing of a person with no criminal intent or blame, and is considered a non-criminal act, such as self defense or to stop a violent crime, etc...
It's fair to say killing a human being isn't always wrong, but Murder is always wrong.
When the social contract is broken and those in charge are exploiting the health and lives of the populace for their own personal financial gain, eventually it will lead to people getting murdered. Back a dog into a corner and its eventually going to fight back. And what we're seeing right now is the beginnings of the American populace fighting back.
Wouldn't surprise me at all if, after the popularity and notoriety this event created, we see a rising frequency of violence toward corporate executives going forward, just like we saw school shootings take off after Columbine.