Post-Game Talk: Hurricanes 4, Penguins 0 - The Jack Johnson Appreciation Thread

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Registered User
May 24, 2017

EDIT: They were almost all dumpster fires, to varying degrees.

Lazy idiots decided to sleep through another game.

In February, at home, against division opponent, no less.

And yet another game where Matt Murray allowed at least 3 goals.


Registered User
May 24, 2017
Old man constructed a team that can't play the system being coached.

How about multiple highly paid not executing the plays and not finishing their chances? Or a two time cup winning goalie not stopping the puck?


Registered User
May 24, 2017
Waive Johnson
Trade Maatta
Send down Riikola

Fix your **** JR.

Ah. it was them who were supposed to score goals and failed?

I was wondering.

How can people complain about the D after a game where we scored 0 is beyond me.


Registered User
May 24, 2017
More “hard” practices and “choice words” from Sully will fix this...

Now we wait to see Brassard and Sheahan score on us Thursday...

makes you think the team is deliberately and purposefully dumping the coach


Registered User
May 24, 2017
I´m not sure if this is acceptable at this time of the year, at home, against the divisional opponent and after a loss where they blew the 2-goal lead. Not sure.

It definitely is acceptable.

Just ask the players off the record. No big deal from their POV.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
Redmond, WA
As you saw tonight goalies have the biggest impact in determining who wins or loses every game.

You can make a really good case that a goalie has a bigger impact on a game then a quarterback in football or a starting pitcher in baseball.

When you suck like Murray did tonight you shouldn't be throwing blame on your teammates, he should be owning his own game.

He got outplayed the last 2 games by Garett Sparks and Curtis Mcelhinney.

And again, the Penguins didn't score tonight. To complain about goaltending in a game where they literally couldn't get a goal is just stupid. The game was 2-0 before the empty net goal, to complain that Murray "sucked" and "should be owning his own game" is a horrible stance to have.

Complaining about your goalie when you get shut out has always been so dumb to me. What makes it worse is that the game was 2-0 before the empty net goal, but somehow Murray still "sucked" last night. What was he supposed to do, get a shutout to compensate for his team laying an egg offensively? Is anything less than that "sucking"?


Registered User
Feb 16, 2010
I expected more criticism for splitting of Crosby and Guentzel. Sure, line 1 showed some life with Horny on it but come on, Sid and Jake have been the only consistently good offensive players this season and torched the Canes last time the two teams played.

Honestly, I don't think we were quite as bad as claimed in many of the posts here but we simply cannot afford to have our goalie outplayed by backups. And we play terrible in the second period way, way too often. We start well, with lots of energy, either take the lead or gain a lot of momentum... only to come completely flat for the second period. Other teams adjust or we just don't have energy for full game effort? Either way it's really worrying.


Registered User
May 24, 2017
Pens played a really good first period, but can't score.

Then Carolina comes down at the end of the period and fires a long wrist shot that Murray whiffs on.

That goal just takes all the life and energy away from the Pens.

It could of easily been 2-0 or 3-0 in the first period for the Pens.

You can't even think about winning a cup if your team is so frail that a single goal in the 1st period suck all life out of it.

In simple words: this kind of mentality is called LOSER'S mentality.


Registered User
May 24, 2017
I really don’t think these problems are effort...I mean maybe the third period when they realized they weren’t getting anywhere...

We should be playing like CAR but we’re just not good enough...I don’t want us to try, try again and give up more assets...certainly not our first...we might not correct this this year...if we miss the POs, we’ll get a nice lottery pick and that’s a nice start...

In the 3rd most of the time the game was in our end. It looked like Canes were the ones who desperately needed to score 2, and not the Pens. I mean, man, teams with true champion's character do not give up when sown by 2 with a whole period of hockey to play, at home. 2 goals is nothing by hockey standards. It's 1000% effort and motivation. They simply don't care. They are satiated with winning, there's no fire in them, and noone in the room to light that fire again. That's why I'm saying they need to trade some of the big boys to shake the culture, to shake the room. Cosmetic changes won't move the needle for these guys.

Fatty McLardy

Registered User
Oct 6, 2017
Pearson needs to be traded for a more impactful player. He's everything that LA fans warned us about.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2008
I watched two periods, and blame the system more than outright lack of effort/hustle. We have no puck support moving up ice. We keep pushing these stretch passes from our zone to far blue and it looked like the canes were ready for it. It just results in broken plays and us whacking it around. I’m assuming that this is not players doing their own thing.

I def agree that even if legs are moving, we just don’t seem hungry enough. You wouldn’t know we were down two at any point because we never seem to bear down.

Power play is butts right now. Overall shot/pass selection in general is cheeks.

Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
I expected more criticism for splitting of Crosby and Guentzel. Sure, line 1 showed some life with Horny on it but come on, Sid and Jake have been the only consistently good offensive players this season and torched the Canes last time the two teams played.

Honestly, I don't think we were quite as bad as claimed in many of the posts here but we simply cannot afford to have our goalie outplayed by backups. And we play terrible in the second period way, way too often. We start well, with lots of energy, either take the lead or gain a lot of momentum... only to come completely flat for the second period. Other teams adjust or we just don't have energy for full game effort? Either way it's really worrying.

I felt the same way... the GCR line was causing fits for the Canes. Not sure why you would break up such a dynamic line.

Rearrange the other lines, but don’t chop your head off because your arm is bleeding.

Anita L

Registered User
Jan 29, 2019
My take on this whole thing is the pens are setting the rest of the league up, perhaps playing possum, saving the energy and not wanting to risk further injury and being fresh going into the playoffs. the goal here is to win the Stanley cup not the presidents trophy or division title we all know that does not mean much when there are 2 seasons in the NHL all you have to do is make the playoffs and its a totally new season- the first to win 16 games...
this team has way to much talent ad fire power to be getting shut out and losing to s**t teams. scoring 0,1,2,3 goals a game with a loaded offense Crosby, Malkin, Kessell, geuntsel practically an allstar team by itself we all know teams play better when the opponent is better ,take the Tampa game for instance, so if the pens are looking down and out going into the playoffs it plays right into the opponents hand the pens wont get the respect if they finish lwer in the seeding plus they will be fresher so there is I think a silver lining to all of this, and murray gets hotter come playoff time he does step it up a notch I think. how else can you explain having golden opportunities to pick up points in the division and totally throwing them away. regular season means nothing just make the playoffs and then be healthy be underdogs and be fresh!

Shady Machine

Registered User
Aug 6, 2010
If any of the 18 skaters said that i would agree with you that they are also taking part of the blame by saying that statement.

But i don't think hes blaming himself for getting beat to pucks, that's not his job, that's the other 18 skaters job.

After the Toronto game Sid took the blame for the loss because he lost 2 faceoffs that turned into goals.

When you have a bad game the last thing you should do is blame your teammates without owning your own game.

Can you imagine JJ telling the media that the forwards need to do a better job?

I think you are making a bit too much out of his quotes.
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Jun 14, 2016
I went to sleep after the second feeling quite ticked off.

We produced the best chances. Most times we'd have gone into the first intermission with a lead. But we didn't. And I knew when the second went in that was it. Because this is no longer the team that can threaten any lead. Its a team that accepts its fate too often. And while that makes sense in the grind of the season, its a bad habit to form.

I'm thinking about some of the arguments I've had with others taking more pessimistic views and I think I might be adjusting my view. I still believe this is the roster of a contender.

But it doesn't display the heart of a contender. All that there is, is the hope that it can flick a switch. I believe that of this team more than any other but its still a low odds proposition.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2013
I think it's totally valid to criticize Murray in a shutout loss. Murray playing better might not have changed the course of the game, but letting in a soft goal is still letting in a soft goal. He doesn't get a pass just because the team doesn't score. Just like skaters don't get a pass for playing poorly in a 5-4 loss.

Overall it just felt like a weird game. Despite whichever line Crosby was on being the only one that looked good, he still seemed to be coasting. Standing upright, not jumping to pucks. Probably nothing, but it seemed noticeable to me.

I feel like I should also credit the fourth line a little. Cullen and Cullen Jr. looked good to me, and honestly I thought Wilson had a good game in his role. Once Malkin gets back and if TB stays up, knowing that Wilson will be replaced by Simon/Rust/Horny/Pearson/McCann is going to make that one fun line to watch.

Only other comment about the game is on McCann, and maybe an unpopular opinion. Bjugstad seems to have jumped into the game, and has been noticeable pressuring pucks and getting to the goal. McCann seems to be a little more vanilla right now. Maybe I'm missing something, maybe it's just less TOI, don't know. Definitely not calling him bad or commenting negatively on the trade, but in the two games I've caught since the trade I'm not sure I'm seeing the guy as one to be excited about like some of you were billing. More than willing to give him time though.
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Shady Machine

Registered User
Aug 6, 2010
Ah. it was them who were supposed to score goals and failed?

I was wondering.

How can people complain about the D after a game where we scored 0 is beyond me.

I don't think you know how hockey works if you don't think a brutal transition defense can hurt offense.
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Registered User
Oct 31, 2010
And again, the Penguins didn't score tonight. To complain about goaltending in a game where they literally couldn't get a goal is just stupid. The game was 2-0 before the empty net goal, to complain that Murray "sucked" and "should be owning his own game" is a horrible stance to have.

Complaining about your goalie when you get shut out has always been so dumb to me. What makes it worse is that the game was 2-0 before the empty net goal, but somehow Murray still "sucked" last night. What was he supposed to do, get a shutout to compensate for his team laying an egg offensively? Is anything less than that "sucking"?

while I do agree that if you put up 0 goals you can't put all that much blame on the goalie. I will just throw this out there. When a team doesn't believe in it's goalie they either don't try, or they over try (see the early part of the season). I have no idea if that is what happened last night. But I'm just saying how you can put some blame on the goalie because the team plays differently in front of him.

That said let's get real here, we put 2 pucks through the opposing goalies wickets, out the other side but not in the net. He was good but he some good puck luck as well. We put one of those in and Murray makes a routine glove save and we are at least going to OT, and more likely we get some wind in our sails and just win it in the 3rd.

It is a bit deflating though from a fan's perspective. On the other hand you see Vegas-Tampa last night, Vegas goes down by 2 and they just keep coming and end up winning in a shoot out. I remember when we would do that, good times...
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