Ahhh there is American fans responding too who seem equally pissed at Hull. Same with fans from other places.
I can never hate Hull though. I dont like the comment, but I cant hate a guy who stated that 75% of the players are over-paid. I dislike a guy like Pronger more who comes back stating "And Im sure he is not one of them hey" Well you all are Chris, but by the 25% are not logic Hull used he was not one of them as he has never been one of the highest paid guys like Pronger has and Hull is one of the greates scorers ever. (sorry that rant took me a little off topic)
Irresponsible stupid comment by Hull. I have never been one mad at him for playin for the US. It gives me a reason to bug my American friends saying they need our rejects
and in reality he grew up in the US and is probably more American than Canadian. They wanted him when Canada didnt, so why wouldnt he spend the rest of his international career playing for them?