Hrricanes Lounge XLVII: The return to obeying Rhules

i am addicted to sardines and other tinned fish please send help

You are welcome
My ~17 month old just puked for the first time since she was 2-3 months old. Curdled milk straight onto my shirt and the carpet.

Did not miss this smell. Hoping it was a one off and she hasn't come down with something. Acted completely normal once she drank some water to get rid of the flavor. Also gave her a Thin Mint which definitely got her focused on something else hah
My ~17 month old just puked for the first time since she was 2-3 months old. Curdled milk straight onto my shirt and the carpet.

Did not miss this smell. Hoping it was a one off and she hasn't come down with something. Acted completely normal once she drank some water to get rid of the flavor. Also gave her a Thin Mint which definitely got her focused on something else hah
Dear god just reading that brought that smell back from the depths of my memory. We had entire outfits we had to throw away because we just could not get that smell out, both for the kids and for the adults.
adding hide avatars option

