Value of: Hronek's new contract


Registered User
Sep 16, 2017
This off season is the cap increase off season where agents and their players are going to be pulling out all the stops to reinvent salary. Hronek plays an important position and acts as QH's partner. Him and his agent are in a prime position to wrestle for a mega deal. Players acquired via trade then later signed have had the tendency of being overpaid due to leverage and need.

I think they will be shooting for $8M with $7M being the floor in the new era of cap increase.


Registered User
Sep 10, 2002
Hamburg, Germany
I am curious to see if there is a trend with this UFA/RFA class to seek shorter term and try to hit a bigger payday in 2-3 years when the cap goes up significantly.
The cap should go up for next year already, and unless you are a star who is going to get paid anyway, the security of one longterm contract is worth more than hoping that you can squeeze out a tiny bit more in a bunch of years, so I wouldn't count on too many players opting for a short-term deal.


Registered User
Aug 4, 2005
He could get $6.5-$7.5 million… Just hope before they shell out that amount of money long-term, they make sure he can “carry” a pairing, because if he doesn’t, that’s a ton of money to be spending on a role player.

All the comparisons to Toews hold no weight. Apples to Oranges. Toews has NEVER been paid top dollar to NOT carry his own pair. That will change next year, and their blueline may look very different because of his contract. They still have Byrum though, and he’s not making top dollar yet. He can carry a pair. That allows the Avs a little luxury. The Canucks have nobody else to do that. They can’t afford the luxury of paying Hronek $7 million to be Quinn’s sidekick.

$7 million for a role player is scary stuff… You just can’t win playoff rounds in the NHL, with only one “pair carrying” dman. If you’re gonna pay that type of money to a dman, he better be able to “carry” a pair. Hronek has struggled doing that during his career. I’m not paying him more than $5.5 tops, if all he’s going to do, is be Quinn’s sidekick.

Before they give him that kind of money, they’ll wanna make sure he can “carry” his own pair. Detroit got rid of him because they felt he just couldn’t do it, and decided they were never shelling out that kind of money for him. They’ve been proven right so far, as Gostisbehere has replaced Hronek’s production without all the turnovers… for $4.1 million.


Jul 18, 2007
I love how the narrative around Hronek has shifted so drastically. The Vancouver fan base reaction to trading away a first for him was bedlam and then it went right into conspiracy theories when Hronek went down with an injury "who knew what when?"

Now he's had a good couple weeks to start the season and he's going to get a $50 or $60M contract

Hfboards in a nutshell


Registered User
Jan 21, 2016
6.5 to 8 million. I think it depends on if he's a 40 point guy or a 50+ guy. He makes Hughes happy so I think Vancouver will pay the guy pretty big.

Yeah, I think this is the range. Won't be surprised with a 7.25X8 or so.


Registered User
Jan 21, 2016
I love how the narrative around Hronek has shifted so drastically. The Vancouver fan base reaction to trading away a first for him was bedlam and then it went right into conspiracy theories when Hronek went down with an injury "who knew what when?"

Now he's had a good couple weeks to start the season and he's going to get a $50 or $60M contract

Hfboards in a nutshell

He was at worst getting a 6-8 year X 5.5 and that would have been super low end. Defenceman get paid and he was already making 4.4 adding at least 2 to that isn't surprising or unexpected. Walman played one full season for Det and went from 1.05 to 3.4.


Registered User
Aug 4, 2005
Ghost has 7 giveaways to Hronek’s 10 despite averaging 5 less minutes per game and against lesser competition.
Hronek isn’t carrying a pair and transporting the puck right now. That’s a major, major difference. Quinn does almost all of that. Where Ghost does “carry the pair” with Maatta. Same exact position Hronek was in during his successful run last year. The other thing Gostisbehere does better is… he recovers much better.

That’s a real comparison. Two players, playing in the exact same position, with the exact same partner. Gostisbehere has been even better than Hronek was during his great first 30 or so games last year. That’s just reality.

We can’t ignore that there’s a major difference between carrying a pair and being a role player on D. Especially one playing with an elite talent like Quinn. I guarantee people would be calling Jake Walman a star too, if he was playing with Quinn every night.

Did you just watch Hronek out there with Friedman? It was a mess. There’s a major difference when he’s not with Hughes.

It comes down to this, when deciding to pay him $6.5-$7.5 million per. Can anyone honestly say Hronek would be as successful as he is right now, statistically, if he was playing with any other dman on the Canucks? We all know that answer.

I’ve been one of Hronek’s major supporters on this site for along time. I’m on record saying I believe he can carry a pair IF he changes a couple of things. I’ve said it for 2-3 years. He’s maturing as an NHL dman. That’s the reason I think he still has a chance to be that player. Thinking he’s becoming smart enough to change his game.. Detroit didn’t think he could anymore. They gave up on him ever being that player.

Right now, Hronek has been no different than a player like Justin Schultz. Looks great when he’s not the player carrying the pair, playing with a great partner, but struggles when he’s asked to carry the play, and given more responsibility.

It’s a heck of a lot easier playing the game when you’re playing with Quinn. Nobody can deny that.

It’s ok to say he’s been playing really well, but we also need to be honest about why that is, and also honest enough to admit that’s not why he was brought in. He was brought in to carry that second pairing.

Bottom line is, he’s not being asked to do the things top dmen are asked to do.. That’s good on Tocchet. It means he’s putting him in a position to be successful. It scares me though, because why is Tocchet playing him in a supporting role, when they desperately need a second dman to carry a pair?? Has he also already given up on Hronek being able to do so? It’s a question all Vancouver fans should be asking.

If that’s the case, they can’t pay him that kind of money. It could end up being an anchor of a contract real quick. He’ll go from posts like this, to Myers type posts overnight.

I find it hard to believe, we won’t see them split up for an extended period of time, before the Canucks decide to give Hronek a big contract, or just what equates to top dollar for a supporting role dman. Around $5 million. If there wasn’t a cap or they had a 3rd dman who could carry a pair in a 7 game series, I’d be all for giving him whatever they wanted.

You just don’t send the 17th and 43rd pick in a strong draft, and then pay him $7 million per, for a guy to NOT be given the responsibility of carrying a pair. Especially when you only had one to begin with.

Sergei Shirokov

Registered User
Jul 27, 2012
British Columbia
I'm thinking between 6-7M on a long term deal.

Want to see him away from Hughes before going higher than 6.5 but I agree with the poster who said Weegar is a comp so 6.5 +/- would be fine imo.

TS Quint

Sep 8, 2012
Most examples would suggest it's between that $6-7M range. With term.

Not sure he's actually even worth that, but playing a ton with Hughes is certainly going to make it look like he is. So that's where it'll ring in.

Anything north of 7 and i think you have to start asking really serious questions. Unfortunately, it's one of those scenarios where they spent huge draft capital to acquire the guy so it's pretty much open season for his agent to bend them over in negotiations. They can't let him walk without looking like complete and utter fools. So they'll pay him what he wants.
I all seriousness, the Canucks paid a fair price. I think you have it about right on the contract as well. He's a great partner with Hughes, it's an ideal situation for him.

I think where the agent has the advantage is there is nothing behind Hronek. What are they going to do? Move Myers into the top pair?


Registered User
Feb 9, 2021
6.5 to 8 million. I think it depends on if he's a 40 point guy or a 50+ guy. He makes Hughes happy so I think Vancouver will pay the guy pretty big.
I way he is getting 8. He will end up like weegar


every single defenseman should point at darnell hearse's contract
That guy is an analogy though. He makes more than Drai, Hughes and even players like Fox. Everyone knows about the Oilers having a dumb GM
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Registered User
Feb 9, 2021
Hronek isn’t carrying a pair and transporting the puck right now. That’s a major, major difference. Quinn does almost all of that. Where Ghost does “carry the pair” with Maatta. Same exact position Hronek was in during his successful run last year. The other thing Gostisbehere does better is… he recovers much better.

That’s a real comparison. Two players, playing in the exact same position, with the exact same partner. Gostisbehere has been even better than Hronek was during his great first 30 or so games last year. That’s just reality.

We can’t ignore that there’s a major difference between carrying a pair and being a role player on D. Especially one playing with an elite talent like Quinn. I guarantee people would be calling Jake Walman a star too, if he was playing with Quinn every night.

Did you just watch Hronek out there with Friedman? It was a mess. There’s a major difference when he’s not with Hughes.

It comes down to this, when deciding to pay him $6.5-$7.5 million per. Can anyone honestly say Hronek would be as successful as he is right now, statistically, if he was playing with any other dman on the Canucks? We all know that answer.

I’ve been one of Hronek’s major supporters on this site for along time. I’m on record saying I believe he can carry a pair IF he changes a couple of things. I’ve said it for 2-3 years. He’s maturing as an NHL dman. That’s the reason I think he still has a chance to be that player. Thinking he’s becoming smart enough to change his game.. Detroit didn’t think he could anymore. They gave up on him ever being that player.

Right now, Hronek has been no different than a player like Justin Schultz. Looks great when he’s not the player carrying the pair, playing with a great partner, but struggles when he’s asked to carry the play, and given more responsibility.

It’s a heck of a lot easier playing the game when you’re playing with Quinn. Nobody can deny that.

It’s ok to say he’s been playing really well, but we also need to be honest about why that is, and also honest enough to admit that’s not why he was brought in. He was brought in to carry that second pairing.

Bottom line is, he’s not being asked to do the things top dmen are asked to do.. That’s good on Tocchet. It means he’s putting him in a position to be successful. It scares me though, because why is Tocchet playing him in a supporting role, when they desperately need a second dman to carry a pair?? Has he also already given up on Hronek being able to do so? It’s a question all Vancouver fans should be asking.

If that’s the case, they can’t pay him that kind of money. It could end up being an anchor of a contract real quick. He’ll go from posts like this, to Myers type posts overnight.

I find it hard to believe, we won’t see them split up for an extended period of time, before the Canucks decide to give Hronek a big contract, or just what equates to top dollar for a supporting role dman. Around $5 million. If there wasn’t a cap or they had a 3rd dman who could carry a pair in a 7 game series, I’d be all for giving him whatever they wanted.

You just don’t send the 17th and 43rd pick in a strong draft, and then pay him $7 million per, for a guy to NOT be given the responsibility of carrying a pair. Especially when you only had one to begin with.
Dude I think you are just creating your own story line about Hronek. If Hronek moves down then who will they play with Hughes?? Myers??


Jul 18, 2007
He was at worst getting a 6-8 year X 5.5 and that would have been super low end. Defenceman get paid and he was already making 4.4 adding at least 2 to that isn't surprising or unexpected. Walman played one full season for Det and went from 1.05 to 3.4.
I'm sure he'll get paid handsomely, that wasn't the point of my post


Registered User
Jun 22, 2023
I love how the narrative around Hronek has shifted so drastically. The Vancouver fan base reaction to trading away a first for him was bedlam and then it went right into conspiracy theories when Hronek went down with an injury "who knew what when?"

Now he's had a good couple weeks to start the season and he's going to get a $50 or $60M contract

Hfboards in a nutshell
When he pulls a disappearing act after the ink dries, he'll be back to being the scum of the earth lol.
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Registered User
Aug 4, 2005
Dude I think you are just creating your own story line about Hronek. If Hronek moves down then who will they play with Hughes?? Myers??
It’s pretty standard stuff… You don’t pay a premium price (like they did) for a dman and then protect the man. You expect him to carry his weight so to speak. Right now he’s about as protected as it gets…

It would be so Benning, to just write him that big cheque, and pay him like someone who can carry a pair for 20-25 minutes a night… without knowing if he could do just that…. It’s why the other team traded him!!! They gave up on him ever being worth that kind of money. So let’s find out before rewarding him..

Did you not watch him play with Friedman last night? That’s the concern with paying Hronek top dollar. That’s the Hronek people are used to..

Quinn is playing at such an elite level right now, you just give him the puck and let him do his thing. They mentioned that during last night’s game. He’s creating so much space for everyone else. It’s really fun to watch. Hronek is only a passenger right now. We’re not finding out who he is here. Not at all… Quinn was just as good with Cole out there.

I’ve been Hronek’s greatest supporter on this site for years, but before they hand him $7 million plus over 6-7 years, they better find out if he can be that type of player.

That’s all I’m saying. It’s all I’ve been saying, and I’ve explained how he needs to change his game to be that player. He has the talent.

But let’s find out before pulling a Benning, and blindly signing a player to a contract, hoping he’s something he isn’t.


Absolute Horse Shirt
Dec 15, 2014
If I'm the Canucks, I'd set the bar as Severson's and Weegar's contract. Anything over 7 mil X 8 years is too much IMO unless his point totals go insane this season and he shows he has another gear.

6.25 AAV is probably going to be common second pairing AAV when the cap goes up.

TS Quint

Sep 8, 2012
Most examples would suggest it's between that $6-7M range. With term.

Not sure he's actually even worth that, but playing a ton with Hughes is certainly going to make it look like he is. So that's where it'll ring in.

Anything north of 7 and i think you have to start asking really serious questions. Unfortunately, it's one of those scenarios where they spent huge draft capital to acquire the guy so it's pretty much open season for his agent to bend them over in negotiations. They can't let him walk without looking like complete and utter fools. So they'll pay him what he wants.
So he's barely better than Neal Pionk.


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