League over-expansion and moving from one to two refs.
When you previously had to have at most 12 refs to work any one night (24 team league, 12 games max at any one night), you now need 30 (30 team league, 15 games possible a night, 2 refs each game).
That's triple the number of spots you need to fill. thats a fairly large dilution of the talent pool. You now need to hire NHL refs that would maybe not have been able to get out of the ECHL in the early 90s.
Fans felt refs were just as incompetent when there was a 6-team league.
Fans of every sport always think that.
It is easier to ref from your couch than from on the ice, especially with replays available, but even if refs sat on couches and had the benefit of replays, the fans would still think the refs suck because fans are clouded by rooting interests.
The refs do as good a job as can be hoped for and the notion that they are biased is a very stupid one, albeit a belief held by a lot of moronic fans.