How do young hfboarders feel about their future?

Serious answer that doesn't belong in lounge - Feel fairly confident about my career (audit), however I feel that my kids future (I'm 25 currently - kids likely in 5 years) will be immensely tough.

I have a job, I've been working at AAA full time for 8 years, since I was 18, while I completed my bachelor's in Psychology. I will be graduating in the Fall (with no debt!!!!! THANKS AAA). I've applied for multiple positions from within the company that would suit my needs with no luck so far. A Bachelors just does not carry much weight at all anymore. I've been in line for a supervisor position at the job I currently work but it's not something I want to do with my career so I have been hesitant to do it. Most of the people hired for that particular job come from outside the company with little to no experience outside of a college education and their turnover rate is just as high as ours. I'd like to get out of the department I currently work at but I can't seem to get out. I never really could figure out "what I was going to be when I grew up" throughout all my time in school, but my degree should be worth something and in today's society it's simply a dime a dozen. I'm fortunate enough to have not burdened myself with a heap of debt in the process of getting my degree, but I really just feel like I have no where to turn to, to improve my quality of life from where I am at now or realistically could in the future.

I think I honestly would have rather gone a trade route instead as it's most assuredly a less popular route to go in today's society and skilled workers are a need that is ever growing as the baby boomers retire. But I can't do it now, the apprenticeship process doesn't pay enough to support a person living on their own at least not here where I live and for as long as they are I just can't see myself being in my mid-30s by the time I get a "real" job. And even then, skilled laborers are not making a whole lot of money anyway these days. It may just be me, not know what I want to be may have really hindered what I can become, but I am worried, I don't know what I'm going to do.

every job is terrible

unless i luck into something easy with good pay like a sitcom actor or some **** writer i am ****ed


My education is complete, but i still have no job. It has been 7 months since i graduated. Have had plenty of job interviews, but no job offers. At least i am actually getting interviews i guess.

Searching for jobs ****ing sucks.
How did this all work out 9 years later for you all?
How did this all work out 9 years later for you all?
lol i hate seeing posts from miserable 17 year old josepho

I now have a BSc in Math and am in the process of interviewing for a remote teaching position. If I get it, I hope to travel and do humanitarian work in Latin America. I also have a part-time research assistant position with a college in Ontario and I'm attempting to start an educational YouTube channel to market myself to other EdTech companies.

I have no idea if I will ever be able to find a stable career (actuary?), but I'm taking it one year at a time.
lol i hate seeing posts from miserable 17 year old josepho

I now have a BSc in Math and am in the process of interviewing for a remote teaching position. If I get it, I hope to travel and do humanitarian work in Latin America. I also have a part-time research assistant position with a college in Ontario and I'm attempting to start an educational YouTube channel to market myself to other EdTech companies.

I have no idea if I will ever be able to find a stable career (actuary?), but I'm taking it one year at a time.
It's fine, it's nice to look back on, also things don't turn out how you might think

Extremely confident and optimistic
After this post, this guy got married at like 21, arrested for domestic violence, and divorced by like 25 (tbf haven't heard from him in 3-4 years)
I am only 24 year`s old but I have already thrown in the Towel and quit my job. We will all pass away so there is no point in working. I did not ask to be born and am not interested in slaving away for Corporate America. I am not werry`d about the future since we all end up in the same place anyway.
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It's fine, it's nice to look back on, also things don't turn out how you might think

After this post, this guy got married at like 21, arrested for domestic violence, and divorced by like 25 (tbf haven't heard from him in 3-4 years)
Truthfully, your post made me kind of wonder what happened to quite a few people.

What happened to MainDotC? Did he ever hook up with Sheryl at Dunks? What about that dude that broke the Lady Advice threads? Dating myself, what about bert2nazzy and his ability to "get a girl who's hot"?

