I have a job, I've been working at AAA full time for 8 years, since I was 18, while I completed my bachelor's in Psychology. I will be graduating in the Fall (with no debt!!!!! THANKS AAA). I've applied for multiple positions from within the company that would suit my needs with no luck so far. A Bachelors just does not carry much weight at all anymore. I've been in line for a supervisor position at the job I currently work but it's not something I want to do with my career so I have been hesitant to do it. Most of the people hired for that particular job come from outside the company with little to no experience outside of a college education and their turnover rate is just as high as ours. I'd like to get out of the department I currently work at but I can't seem to get out. I never really could figure out "what I was going to be when I grew up" throughout all my time in school, but my degree should be worth something and in today's society it's simply a dime a dozen. I'm fortunate enough to have not burdened myself with a heap of debt in the process of getting my degree, but I really just feel like I have no where to turn to, to improve my quality of life from where I am at now or realistically could in the future.
I think I honestly would have rather gone a trade route instead as it's most assuredly a less popular route to go in today's society and skilled workers are a need that is ever growing as the baby boomers retire. But I can't do it now, the apprenticeship process doesn't pay enough to support a person living on their own at least not here where I live and for as long as they are I just can't see myself being in my mid-30s by the time I get a "real" job. And even then, skilled laborers are not making a whole lot of money anyway these days. It may just be me, not know what I want to be may have really hindered what I can become, but I am worried, I don't know what I'm going to do.