How do you see Jack Eichel career progression ?


Registered User
Oct 18, 2013
Next season is the true test. He’s had half a season to get use to the speed of the game again and an entire off season to get back into game shape. If he drops 60 pts next season then it might be time to start to worry. I think he’ll put up around 80pts.

The Eric Stall comparison I saw here was spot on, not the best in the league but a pretty damn good 1c if he can get his shit together.


U.S.S. Wang
Jul 13, 2007
The Knights will settle into this new core and they will stop messing with the core


Registered User
Sep 13, 2010
He’ll whine the rest of his career away…bitching his way from one team to the next.

All the while winning absolutely nothing.
Disagree with your first point, agree with your second. I think he will be happy living in vegas. No state tax and lots to do for a 20 s9mething yr old.


Registered User
May 6, 2016
I don’t think a lot of people realize how major that injury/surgery is. That type of surgery is still fairly new, and although it has much better range of motion than a fusion - some report mild pain/not returning to full strength after. When you have a herniated disc - nothing “heals” it. You either have the herniated part removed, or two levels of your spine fused together. Or in Eichels case - have an artificial disc inserted. Seems great in theory, but there’s a reason people haven’t been flocking to that surgery. It’s still fairly new, if it does fail it can be catastrophic, and not everybody regains their prior form. I’m saying this as somebody who’s gone through a microdisectomy and researched every possible option before going that route. I do think ADR is likely the way of the future - and somebody had to be the first to get it - but I think in 5/10 years we’ll have a better grasp on how it works on elite athletes and long-term success.

I’m also a Buffalo fan. I watched Eichel very closely in his Vegas games both out of curiosity and out of draft position interest. His skating/playmaking certainly looked like his old self, but his shot did not. Of his goals this year, I don’t know if any were a clean beat of the goalie. Just tap-ins/deflections kind of things. One of his best assets with the Sabres was his booming shot on the PP - and if that doesn’t come back then he’s not going to be a PPG player again IMO. I think this year will be interesting to see how much strength he’s able to gain back in his neck area and to see if his shot returns to form, or if it never is the same (think Peyton Mannings arm).
Haven't two or three guys got or are getting that neck surgery since eichel was finally allowed to get his ? , it's new to hockey for sure but it's been around for 20 years otherwise and it seems like the nhl needed one player to get it now Tyler Johnson and 1 other guy this offseason for sure also got it done

Another thing with eichel is he had a year or two of no hockey because Buffalo wouldn't allow the surgery so being very very rusty combined with any lingering effects weren't a good recipe for a good season last year


Registered User
Feb 23, 2013
Eichel has a horrible attitude and drags his teammayes down with him. Vegas is on the downward spiral anyways, so it's not looking good for Eichel in the future. Around 60 points if he plays the ful season and that's a big if.

When I said that Eichel would be worse than Laine once all is said and done, almost everyone lost their mind. But now you won't find many who think Eichel will outperform Laine in the long run...


Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
Haven't two or three guys got or are getting that neck surgery since eichel was finally allowed to get his ? , it's new to hockey for sure but it's been around for 20 years otherwise and it seems like the nhl needed one player to get it now Tyler Johnson and 1 other guy this offseason for sure also got it done

Another thing with eichel is he had a year or two of no hockey because Buffalo wouldn't allow the surgery so being very very rusty combined with any lingering effects weren't a good recipe for a good season last year
Yeah, Farabee is another one. I’m very curious to see how it works out for them. Players may opt for that surgery because of future quality of life concerns while accepting they may not be the player that they used to be, versus having a fusion and potentially playing a bit better in the short term but having harsher long-term impacts.


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