NHL and other sports are a business 1st now, and refs are used as game/series managers. Many sports leagues today will call whatever game is needed to help their business model(
s). NHL and other sports haven't reached WWE fixing levels yet, but when push comes to shove concerning livelihoods, money made, and other factors in play. Money and leagues well-being will win out! Many sports leagues are just finishing up experiencing covid era ,which caused lost revenue
(Gates and such) and other financial hardships. Money, ratings, and stadium draw will win the day. Sports leagues will help whatever is selling or best, and they'll series manage for more TV ratings, stadium draws, etc. Plus, if any player/team checks all the right boxes, they're put to the front-of-the-line to get favors. One doesn't have to like this model, that's understandable. But..... one should realize it's an efficient business model to use though. Fingers-on-scales game managing gives better control of product. What business doesn't want this or strives to have this?
NHL fans thinking, with older playoff rules mentality of letting them play. Reminds of American's who defend today's crony capitalism. All because they're misguided with their thinking today's capitalism, ran by monopolies are same opportunistic capitalist world they grew-up in. That mom & pop capitalism of old is gone: been replaced with HUGE corporation$ monopolies now. These corporations could care less about locals concerns, their well-being, will sell anyone out if best for business model, and other factors come into play. Playing by old rules within new form of capitalism will get one beaten down. Best to adapt while doing what's needed within new environment, that has different rules, or one will succumb to change. Same goes for sports world: the sports world that existed 60, 50, 40, 30, or even 20 yrs ago is gone. Sports & who shows them has been to monopolized. Sports TV rating$ rule-the-day, certain story-line$ are more important, players who check right boxe$ are given loving touch. If your team happens to be playing one of chosen team(
s) or is chosen one(
s), the usual series game managing will be less favorable for your team/players during series. They'll only do so much game managing to extend series sometimes because leagues won't chance certain outcomes. Especially within NHL. those funky bounces that Hockey is famous for can come-into-play then. Not good for those who want more control....
Any NHL team would be best served taking more control of their own fate(s). Like ones does in own life pretty much, or boxer who lost a #1 BS judges decision. That boxer either pouts, or comes into next fight knocking that same opponent out with KO, leaving nothing to human elements. Teams who want more control, have to become a complete team that can play any styled game. Then that team can better handle whatever refs, networks, and leagues throw at them. That's how any team gives themselves better odds of combating this. Easier said than done, and one will have still hit bumps in the road fighting sports #1 BS. Love sports, and there's plenty still to cheer for, moments to cherish, but do realize what money, humans, and monopolies, like ESPN, are doing to sports. Change is certain, adaptation is not.....
Everyone enjoy playoffs no matter all the finger-on-scales moments. It will be tougher road if one doesn't embrace challenges some teams/players face. Plus, there's plenty of others stories, teams, and players to cheer on . Pulling for underdogs or those being done wrong is great, especially when they're against #1 BS being thrown they way. Very good feeling when one witlessness any team/player overcoming those odds....