This from a country that fielded pros at amateur competitions and kept their best players on the same 2-3 club teams year-round for the purpose of peaking at the Olympics/WHC against amateurs or C-squads thrown together at the last minute.
1977-1991 at the WHC/Olympics: USSR 22 wins, Canada 1 win, 4 ties
1976-1991 at the Canada Cup: Canada 5 wins, USSR 3 wins, 2 ties
Easy to see who had the real advantages and where.
Everybody knows that the WHC or the Olympics have no relevance when we try to figure out who was the strongest hockey nation in the 1970s and the 1980s. The Canada Cups, however, could have been relevant, had the competition been fair and square. But I do think that Alan Eagleson rigged the tournaments for a good cause, because I'm happy that the west won the cold war.