Movies: Hollywood sexual harassment ( Russell Brand facing multiple allegations)


Registered User
May 26, 2009
New Jersey
In my opinion, if you live in fear of being accused and need to videotape sex or have partners sign consent forms, it's already a little too late because you've allowed your public image to slip to the point that people won't trust you otherwise. The best thing that you can do to avoid being accused is to simply, from the beginning, be a good person, treat women with respect and don't give any of them a reason to accuse you justly or falsely. For example, I bet that certified nice guys Tom Hanks and Dwayne Johnson aren't losing sleep over the thought that they might be next to be accused, even falsely, not just because they likely don't push boundaries in the first place, but because they likely don't ever give women any reason to be upset with them and exaggerate or fabricate anything. In other words, if you maintain a superlative character, you shouldn't have to fear your reputation becoming tarnished.
Could you be confusing a person with their movie roles?

Tom Hanks will be perceived (including by the theoretical jury) as a "nice guy" because of the movie roles he plays, while someone like Michael Shannon will be perceived as a jerk for the same reason.

Kavannagh, for example, was perceived as a jerk (rightfully so, from his behavior), therefore people believed his accuser's 30+ y.o. story, where no proof is possible. Yes, I know, he was still confirmed as SCOTUS, but for reasons completely unrelated to his accusations.

Frankly, I don't believe ANY accuser after a certain time passed. There HAVE to be statutes of limitations on sexual crimes (unless there is an objectively good reason: you were in a coma for twenty years or your rape kit has not been analyzed by the police for the same period of time). The Court of Public Opinion is a travesty.


Reality sucks, Princesses!
Dec 29, 2008
Here we go......

Asia Argento Accuses Fast Furious Director Rob Cohen of Sexual Assault - Variety

Asia Argento is making fresh accusations of sexual abuse against “The Fast and the Furious” director Rob Cohen.

The Italian actor and director — who has been one of the most outspoken voices against sexual harassment in the entertainment industry and is an early accuser of disgraced mogul Harvey Weinstein — on Sunday confirmed to Variety allegations that she made over the weekend in an interview with Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera and other Italian media outlets.

“It’s the first time I’m talking about Cohen,” Argento told the Milan daily. “He abused me, making me drink GHB, he had a bottle of it,” she said, referring to the fast-acting anaesthetic with a history of use in date rape.


Registered User
Feb 8, 2012
Meh. Doesn't mean it didn't happen. She's not the only one accusing Cohen. Personally, I could care less whether or not she works again.
Wait-she slept with an underage boy and she should work again?

Some of these men slept with consenting adults and they are blacklisted FOREVER.

I see how this game works....
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Spring in Fialta

A malign star kept him
Apr 1, 2007
Montreal, QC
Wait-she slept with an underage boy and she should work again?

Some of these men slept with consenting adults and they are blacklisted FOREVER.

I see how this game works....

You're a weirdo. That's not what I said. The larger point is that yeah, while I don't think she personally has much credibility, it ultimately doesn't matter much in regards to Cohen - other women (including his daughter) have accused him. There is never a one accuser in any of these situations. As for who did what with/to who, the standard applies to whether we're discussing a man or a woman. If you do something dumb enough that your professional and personal image is tainted to the point where you're not profitable anymore, there's not much that I (or you) can do about it and I'm not going to lose any sleep over it one way or another. If you're a public figure, that image is your bread and butter. Take care of it.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
I think the idea behind his post is that she settled after sleeping with an underage boy.

Well the story is more complicated on that one as well: Asia Argento admits to sexual encounter with underage co-star

But Argento, who was 37 at the time of the alleged incident, denies Bennett's account of events and said: "He started kissing me and touching me, but not as a mother and child as I saw him, but as a boy with raging hormones ... And that froze me."

"He literally jumped on me (...) He was on me, and he came. Me, I didn't feel anything, I didn't react because for me it was unthinkable," added the actress.
"He told me it was a fantasy he'd had since the age of 12. For him, I was a hunting trophy," she said.

It’s reported Bennett then asked for $3.5 million (€3 million) from her to keep quiet. Argento's then-boyfriend, celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, allegedly paid him $250,000 (€215,316).
After Bourdain’s suicide in June, Argento apparently stopped the payments.


Rebooting myself
Oct 12, 2003
Somewhere on Uranus

but she has admitted to having sex with teens 16/17. IN some places that would be considered sexual assault considering her age at the time. But there is a double standard that our society finds acceptable. If say a 40-year-old man has sex with at female teen say 16/17--the outcry--flip the sexes--the 16/17 year old lad is getting slaps on the back for pulling an older woman.

That being said, this is not the first time Cohan has been accused of things. I have a slight problem with who is doing the pointing this time

Mickey Marner

Registered User
Jul 9, 2014
I don't doubt her, but she probably shouldn't be the one spear-heading the #metoo cause anymore. Had she just slept with any seventeen year old it'd be whatever, but sleeping with one you've known since he was a child is just disturbing.


Registered User
Mar 14, 2013
I don't doubt her, but she probably shouldn't be the one spear-heading the #metoo cause anymore. Had she just slept with any seventeen year old it'd be whatever, but sleeping with one you've known since he was a child is just disturbing.
Yeah, in spite of the "17-year-old is legal in some places" point, there's a real argument that she groomed him to a certain extent given what we know about their relationship prior to sexual contact.

Given that Cohen has myriad accusers, including his own daughter, this seems pretty clear-cut. It can be argued that Argento jumping in--whether she's being honest or not--enables people to question things solely because of her involvement. I'm not sure what a public allegation from her accomplishes at this point, given the evidence against Cohen already presented. She also said she'd add more details about it in her upcoming autobiography, which really doesn't help her case here.


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