Michael Farkas
Celebrate 68
Hockey News 1996:From the first link I posted above, some information I hadn't seen before about Durnan's other sporting exploits. Softball stats and a soccer star. A multisport athlete like Charlie Gardiner.
The numbers of the late Bill Durnan are practically off the charts.
Fifteen strikeouts per game for 25 consecutive years on a fast-pitch diamond as one of Canada’s finest softball pitchers ever. Fourteen no-hitters, officially, but surely many more than that. Two world championship victories playing on teams out of Toronto, his hometown. Lifetime batting average of .350.
On the soccer pitch, as a young and powerful halfback, Durnan was scouted by two English First Division teams, offered contracts by each.
«Durnan a ete indiscutablement Pun des plus fameux gardiens dans 1’histoire de la Ligue nationale,» ecrivit Jacques Beauchamp dans Montreal-Matin. 11 est Pun de ceux qui m’ont le plus impressionne. Je le place derriere Jacques Plante et devant Terry Sawchuk, Frank Brimsek et «Turk» Broda…»
Beauchamp rappelait a quel point Bill Duman avait aussi ete un brillant lanceur: «C’etait un vrai Sandy Koufax… certes le meilleur lanceur de fastball au Canada. Non seulement il etait un grand athlete, mais aussi un gentilhomme dans toute 1’acception du mot.»