News Article: Hockey Central RoundTable with Larry Tannenbaum

Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
I think a lot of people missed this. this is with Jeremy Jacobs, Tannebaum and Murarry Edwards. I'll try to do the best I can but i am just going to focus on the Tannenbaum-y bits. (I don't know if this was in two parts, they did mention that some of this was in the 2nd part of the double header last night so i'll check it out for you)

First they laugh that the media avoids the owners.

Tannenbaum: it's a a very proud thing to be an owner, and I'm glad to be one. (Jacobs mentioned it's very humbling, and pushes you out of your comfort zone. it's a challenge for sure).

Strombo: Talk about public interest and focus you've been around and in Toronto, and in this position and this franchise. it's a different kind of heat in this city.

Tannenbaum: you feel a real responsibility, and you feel a responsibility and you want to make sure that you have the best team in order to bring the stanley cup home to toronto, it hasn't been here since 67 (and we want to bring it back, Sorry Murarry).

Jacobs: He (Tannenbaum). Toronto... he, he has unique personality, the pressure is unbelievable, and unmensurable. As much as it is bad in Boston it's 4x harder in Toronto.

They talk about mentoring each other and supporting each other because the better everyone does, the better the teams function).

then they talk about game 7. (Jacobs actually started to leave the arena at 4-1, and he was contemplating the congrats letter he was going to write to Tannebaum, then by the time he got downstairs it was 4-3 so he was like, oh my god, I have to go back up). George is giggling here.

Tannenbaum: Jacobs told me the morning after, Larry, look it, it was... it was... , and he said, Jeremy, I am devastated. And he said (Jacobs), "every morning, when i call you until you win the cup, you're going to be devastated. And i laughed and said, that's right, I am.

Question: how to do you counter that this is just about making money, that winning is second nature to the owners? (Jacobs started off by saying that they are the stewards of the team to the city of Boston. the Boston team is owned by Boston, once you think it's you, it has issues. the team belongs to the city, we just finance it.)

Question: how close are you to the players, or do you have to walk a fine line.

Tannenbaum: I have a good relationship with our players. They are part of the family. we embrace them, and they play hard. These guys they work hard, and earn their dollars. they are wonderful wonderful people. (Jacobs - ownership gets in trouble when they allow their personal relationship to interview with business decisions because it is a business - curious if he's referring to Ovi/Caps Owner).

Jacobs tells the story of how/when he brought the Bruins, (they were own by a broadcaster then), so George goes, to Larry, did you one to one up them and work with two broadcasting companies?

Tannenbaum: it;s a good partnership, it works well. (George: on the outside they are bitter rivals, right). It's easy. Bell and Rogers have the same vision for MLSE: build winning and championship teams. We are on the same team, and we're not divided there. (George: is it different from other ownership?). It... it.... it is in the sense that Bell and Rogers are strategic owners. They have content, they have the platforms of which to put this on. The Pension Fund were good partners, but they were more fiscally oriented than strategically oriented.

Flames owner (re: being an owner and making money). this is not a money investment. it's a community investment and a privilege . (Tannebaum: it is. it really is).

(they also hinted at how to get a franchise -ie: don't do what that blackberry creator tried to do, and go around the commissioners office, that never works, and it makes everyone mad :laugh:)

Part Two (this is mainly Muarry talking more - but i'll try to get the Tannenbaum bits for you).

how are you good at dealing with the emotional rise and fall of the community.(Murarry said i'm happy when they are passionate (mad or happy), and I take it with me, and Tannenbaum is nodding here). Then they tease Jacobs about winning it (the cup) in 55 years, and Jacob s says Nooooo, 35! and Murrary goes, sorry, you tease us so much, the years blend together. 75, 35. Tannenbaum goes, 47, in this sad little voice, and then Jacobs pats his hand. it was kind of cute).

Question: how do you let the management do their job when they go "we have to go to the owners/board". Murarry explains how the president of hockey operations actually works. and both Jacobs and Tannenbaum are nodding (they aren't really interrupting each other here).

the GM worries about the short term stressors and day to day stuff. (because, obviously, their job). the Hockey Ops President is the one who has the 5 year-10 year plan and he can be more -well this is what we see our future like, so if necessary he can go "this deal may not help us xyears from now. (this is why they (Cgy) hired Burke). he deals with the bigger picture so to speak, and then He (Murarry Edwards), and everyone works with Burke (or Shanahan in our case), and talks about how the plan is going, the budget, spend towards it (George goes, but what if they need to go over budget), and Murarry gives him a horse eye and goes. "they have a budget. the they can't go over it, because of the cap." :laugh - but to be fair to George, if he was talking to Melnyk that is a very relevant question).

Question: how often do you go into into the dressing room
Jacobs: only after the end of the season (or just before the playoffs to wish them luck). (tells a great Eddie Shore? Shack story, about how Jacobs goes in and is all like 'great job guys!" shaking people's hands, and Eddie goes, "please don't do thatagain" and Jacobs goes "why?" and Eddie goes "i JUST gave them hell and now it's all gone to hell!")

Tannenbaum: i go in there more often. I thank them etc. they work hard. Sometimes we're not winning all the time. (he stutters and doesn't complete some sentences here), the times I don't go in, is actually the time I don't see the effort on the ice. (George: do you give them hell?) Oh noo! (Jacobs: no, never, Murarry never ever).

then the three owners tease each other some more.
thus ends the interview.

if you can, i really do suggest you go see it.
for those with Game on Demand streaming
Part 1 was the Leafs pre-game show
Part 2 was the 1st intermission of the Rangers/Canucks games.


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