Sam Wilson gets shanked twice, one with a hatchet to the side and he just sort of gets up and stumbles back but then he's fine after. No wincing from the pain etc. I mean last the I recall, he didn't take the Infinity Formula, they haven't even discussed it, it's akin to the super soldier serum. So while I like Mackie, it was just typical marvel like oh ok mate, bloke took a dagger to the chest then a hatchet to the body and went back to flying around in his get up and fighting like it healed over night when he isn't enhanced?
The motivation to poison Ross lol, that's some CW levels of writing.
The story was just awful, like that movie was literally just to bring adamantium into marvel vocabulary now that they really want to push mutants and xmen. Also this whole time a giant f***ing Celestial just pops up in the middle of the ocean wasn't a concern like even a little bit until it was? Lol. Adamantium is supposed to be heavy af too. So this land mass just pops up? Also you have to watch that cringey af She Hulk to even know the mention of homeboy Tiamut? Wtf is Marvel even doing anymore?
Who the f*** is keeping track of their idiotic phases?
Also Bucky being a Senator, ok? None of that makes any sense. Like the world just forgets what he was? Even if he's trying to do good and assume that's all forgiven?
The new Falcon was good, they got that right. The rest, Marvel just can't seem to get it right all the way. The only movies I can even rewatch for fun are the GOTG movies. The rest haven't aged well at all.