GDT: HFBoards GDT: 11/20/2023 | Its me again with 7 games.

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Panthers facing a good offensive team finally after that string of bottom feeders and it is ugly. Bob not looking good. D core needs to tighten things up they are giving up way too much early.
Debatable statement if we're talking about this season
Jack Michaels says basically McDavid is totally fixed and all is dandy.

Let’s see how it plays out, lol
Edmonton’s underlying numbers are pretty good

They’ll start to get bounces and puck luck and turn this around

They came into the season trying to play actual team defense and found out their players are not capable of it. So they switched back to going full offense and fired their coach to bring in a guy who is going to play an even higher end offensive system.

Their plan is to out score their problems. They will be able to do that in the regular season like the past few years most likely. Once they get to the playoffs and face a team that can play shut down hockey they will be done like usual.
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