HF Board Update questions/issues thread

Mine expires in 2 weeks or something so I'm not at a huge loss buying it again, but I haven't seen any ads since I'm using uBlock
Their are too many spam ads on this forum. Ads fill the right quarter of my screen. You got multiple ads between posts. Then you have the magic spam ad that comes in from the right sporadically that covers content. This site is starting to become a "spam ad infestation" like the Denver Post. Who decides all theses spam ads are necessary?

I miss the "Let's be reality" days
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I miss the "Let's be reality" days
And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree
There will be an answer, let it be, reality
For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be...

@RockLobster appropriate or unappropriate use of the Beatles?
Absolutely disgusting that @SniperHF would "break" sponsorships as part of the upgrade, just to trick existing sponsored posters into paying another $12.

I should have 7 months left on my current sponsorship.

@SniperHF renewing his Playgirl membership with the extra money or what?

View attachment 995016
Not very 'sponsorly' behavior of you RIAL
So I was asked to renew my sponsorship when the board came back online but I had 3 months left (I just looked and I renewed last time in June 2024).

Will I get credit for those 3 months @Bear of Bad News @SniperHF ? Like is it possible to add them at the end of those 12 months?
So I was asked to renew my sponsorship when the board came back online but I had 3 months left (I just looked and I renewed last time in June 2024).

Will I get credit for those 3 months @Bear of Bad News @SniperHF ? Like is it possible to add them at the end of those 12 months?
We’ll take care of you.
adding hide avatars option

