HF Board Update questions/issues thread

@SniperHF IMHO reactions (aka "likes") are a significant part of how people interact with each others on boards like this one and the "wow" and "angry" custom images ruin that part significantly.

I understand the motivation behind the change but it's not working.
Disagree, I love them and I think more ways to express emotions is better

Anyways, if they take them away I can just reply to you with:

I've made forums using templates and base software, but it didn't involve much coding. You could change icons just by modifying the picture file. Definitely doesn't sound that easy.

So we're using Xenforo and with a custom theme based on UI.x which is an add on. From what I understand xenforo doesn't really conform to best practice css scripting/layout. If I had to guess it's because the xenforo developers are super high up their own asses and think their shit doesn't stink.

Bit anyways, so every color is assigned a name and every object on the screen is assigned one of those. BUT only around half of the objects are actually affected by changes in the. Control panel the other half are hard coded.....

So like the red "new post" button might be XFCCENTCOLOR1. But if I make xfaccentcolor1 yellow, it all the sudden turns alerts yellow too. I could change what color affects alerts to XFACCentcolor2, but this is hard coded in one of 2000+ template files somewhere. It's like constant whack a mole.
Difficult in the sense that you don't know if making a tiny cosmetic change will somehow cause major infrastructure failure lol

Those are load-bearing colors.

One example of this is hyperlinks. So originally the links in the alerts drop down were the same color as regular text. Fixing this caused ALL links on the forum main page to be colored including headers and forum names.

There's a file called extra less where you slap random fixes like this but it's not good practice to add to many customizations in here

It's like the script reads:
Do x to links
Then do y to links

Instead of changing what x is.

So I try and change what x is to do it properly and not bog down the script but that's when I start hitting these cascade effects.
One example of this is hyperlinks. So originally the links in the alerts drop down were the same color as regular text. Fixing this caused ALL links on the forum main page to be colored including headers and forum names.

There's a file called extra less where you slap random fixes like this but it's not good practice to add to many customizations in here

It's like the script reads:
Do x to links
Then do y to links

Instead of changing what x is.

So I try and change what x is to do it properly and not bog down the script but that's when I start hitting these cascade effects.
I think I get it now. Basically what you're saying here is that you're a powerful sorcerer, and that you've been having to perform complex and often dangerous rituals in a constant battle with this evil shadow entity known as "Xenforo"... That's how I will interpret what you've told us.

Thank you wise magus 🙏
I think I get it now. Basically what you're saying here is that you're a powerful sorcerer, and that you've been having to perform complex and often dangerous rituals in a constant battle with this evil shadow entity known as "Xenforo"... That's how I will interpret what you've told us.

Thank you wise magus 🙏
I'm getting this mental image of @SniperHF seeing an update has occured....
a man with a necklace that has the word fuck on it

He grimaces at the coming headache but cracks his fingers... cues up the playlist and turns back to his codes...

Just thought you needed some pump up music big guy.
First off, thank you for everything you do here!

The biggest lingering issue for me personally, is when refreshing the page on mobile, it doesn’t hold the post you were on so you then need to scroll to find where you left off at and it’s quite frustrating because I refresh a lot to see new posts,


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