Hey, so, I'm sorry I was such a thorny, arrogant asshole all last year.


Feb 24, 2015
i can't speak for those other schmucks you mentioned, but, to me, there are 3 types of posters on here:

-ones who are well spoken and attempt to always put their best foot forward
-ones who don't take this overly seriously
-ones who are legit arsehats on here and in real life

i like to think i slot into category 2. this is sports. can't take it too seriously and lots on here don't seem to realize that, at times, i really don't take this seriously. and if someone's taking it too seriously, i try to use humour and sarcasm as a bit of an alarm to (hopefully) send a wave and have them step back. occasionally, it doesn't work that way and it revs up engines.

hey man, at least you admit that you may have, at times, been a putz. if it makes you feel any better, i don't remember exact things you posted (unlike sabremetrics or whatever his name is and his unique manlove for Joel Armia. hahaha. or Sully, who clearly had some issues going on outside of this board). but thanks for remembering your hate for me and apologizing :) :) :)
I'll have youse all know I take this very , very seriously


A broken clock is right twice in a day
Sep 10, 2016
Understand. I have the same issues. Fall is my worst time despite the Jets starting.


silent prayer
Apr 27, 2016
I also suffer from a-hole-itis at times, but I just want everyone to know that it's not me, it's you.

(Computron, should I indicate sarcasm here or will it just water it down because of obvious? "Calculating...")
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Registered User
Oct 28, 2014
You guys are all total knobheads at times but I love reading what most of you have to say.

I don't post much because I don't have the time or honestly the same level of interest, but boy you guys make a Jets fan at the bottom of the world feel less alone!

See you all in October.


Registered homie
Dec 29, 2014
I think it shows considerable character to make a public amend. It would have been far easier for you to say screw it all and balk at the opinions of a bunch of anonymous posters; but you chose not to do that and I would wager a guess that the solace and satisfaction of doing so will pay in deeper dividends than you probably realize.

You are not alone on your path.
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Registered User
Apr 10, 2016
it is good to clear the air, and good for the soul, to apologize, if you think you have wronged someone.

I know that I have insulted the intelligence of many ..... however.

it will be a cold day in hell before I ever stop referring to the leafs as...…

"awesome nostrils and the ringettes"

political correctness be damned.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2013
Winnipeg, MB
I have not yet begun to be a thorny, arrogant ******. Just wait until the sun's going down at 4:30pm and the Jets lose 2 games in a row this winter...then you'll see.

*IF* they lose 2 games in a row, you mean ;)

Yeah, I mean, when things are running rough I'm sure fuses will get a bit shorter all around. It's to be expected. We're a passionate bunch, right?
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User of an ad-infested forum
Feb 6, 2018
Alpha, always thought that you were informative and passionate for this team and for this sport, just like the rest of the regulars on here ... talking about it is a big step and I hope you resolve this situation both for yourself and for your loved ones ....
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Southernmost Jet Fan
Dec 13, 2013
Wow. I don't always agree with your posts, but I respect your opinions and the fact that you are willing to share them with us other passionate Jets fans. Apology? Why. I want to say thank you for your contributions. Even the ones I disagree with. Thank you.

Personal attacks warrant apologies. Honest opinions dont. Hang in there brother.


Replacement Level Poster
Jan 16, 2012
Glad you are feeling better Alpha. Mental health issues are not easy to deal with, and it takes courage to publicly admit it. I hope the Jets and this board were able to provide you (and others) some distraction during your difficult time.


Free Capo!
Jul 20, 2004
Nothing more to add. I've been struggling with some serious depression issues. I know I've virtually headbutted a lot of you as days have gone by. I guess a year later, I realized I'd rather have commonality in the name of the Jets being kick-ass.

So, sorry for being a vainglorious and thorny narcissist.

Go Jets go, that is all :P see y'all in October, yeah?
I would like to also apologize for being an asshole these past 15 years :laugh:


Registered User
Apr 18, 2013
I don't read a lot of the boards outside of the GDT's so I probably missed whatever it is that you're talking about, but I will always appreciate the pre-season tickets you gave me a few years back to take my dad to a Jets game while I was broke finishing my University degree. I've only been to one since, and it was that crazy game against Nashville last season at the end of February where every damn time we scored they'd return the favor in seconds it seemed.

Great seats too btw, nice action :)


Registered User
Dec 17, 2013
Depression != sad I wish more people recognized this. You can be quite literally a famous millionaire and still be horribly depressed. Good on you for bringing it up. The reduced stigma around this topic is reminiscient of the gay rights movement. All of a sudden people are talking about it in the open and that's great as far as I'm concerned.

That being said, I don't recall you ever being a dick and if you were I probably deserved it haha.


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