News Article: Hextall Will Use Analytics to Evaluate Players


Registered User
Feb 26, 2014
Here's a good example of the limitations of crude stats, chances for and chance against - what's a chance? We've seen teams forced to shot from outside with a low probability of scoring v better opportunities, so is a "chance" a "chance"?

One problem with analytics is what I call the "baseball bias," in baseball, you have discrete events which lend themselves to analytics, in more fluid sports there's more judgment involved.


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
Here's a good example of the limitations of crude stats, chances for and chance against - what's a chance? We've seen teams forced to shot from outside with a low probability of scoring v better opportunities, so is a "chance" a "chance"?

One problem with analytics is what I call the "baseball bias," in baseball, you have discrete events which lend themselves to analytics, in more fluid sports there's more judgment involved.


Maybe you feel differently about it, but when referred to in the analytical community it's generally anything inside that black line.


Registered User
Nov 28, 2008

Maybe you feel differently about it, but when referred to in the analytical community it's generally anything inside that black line.

With heat maps you can visualize chances much better..


On early summer vacay
May 27, 2010

^ Looks like JVR's acne blemished face....:sarcasm:

Anyway....hope people caught Meltzer's blog post on this topic. Excellent read.

People talk about how playing small ball in baseball is important (something the Phillies are incapable of doing.) Now we have SMALL PUCK Hockey....I really like the focus that Hextall is going to put on it. I really think it is important.

I do believe puck possession is what has to be stressed better. We'll see if we have the personnel to do so and if not I guess we'll see them moved like Hartnell.

When Jagr was here.... that line with G and Hartnell had career years b/c they had one of the all time best puck possession players on the line. In 2010 when Leino and Briere were lighting up the offense ....the puck possession by Leino in particular was key.Unfortunately, Leino became a human turnover machine the following year and Briere of course was always a defensive liability without the puck. The importance of puck possession players to complement other players like the Briere's and G's cannot be understated....

I like how Meltzer noted that saying you got to work harder isn't enough...that was what Barber used to say and he couldn't back it up with X and O's and eventually the locker room rebelled (i.e. show me not just tell me). I think Lavi had the same problem. The end- user approach that Hextall and Berube is taking with attack zone entries/analytics is a good step forward from the old school motivational approach only...

On one hand, the general manager said there was "not a chance" that he would make or rule out a trade or roster acquisition based specifically on the data from commonly cited analytics such as Corsi or Fenwick. On the other hand, Hextall said that he believes strongly that forms of analytics, including proprietary analytics culled within the organization, could be mined to help the coaches identify areas of needed adjustment and to communicate them to the players.

Hextall cited the specific example of offensive zone entries. The Flyers general manager noted that top teams in the NHL enter the attack zone an average of about 93 times per game. The Flyers, conversely, averaged just 73 offensive zone entries per game. This is an area the team needs to significantly improve in 2014-15, especially if it is to improve its even strength goal differential.

At the season ticket holder meeting, Hextall opined that zone entry data is something that can be used in communications with players to give them a very clear sense of how the team is doing and where it needs to get better.

Said Hextall, "When you actually start showing players this type of data, there’s a reason why we entered the zone 73 times. We’ve got to make it a goal this year to get into the offensive zone -- [perhaps to an average] 83 times -- and that’s data. It doesn’t lie, it’s a fact. Rather than coaches saying, ‘We gotta get the puck, we gotta create more turnovers, get the puck up ice and get going.' .... All of a sudden you say, 'A top team does it 92 times and we’re doing it 73, we gotta get better,' it’s data, it’s fact."

...Hextall has thrown down a gauntlet to the team to start doing a variety of little things better, in conjunction with the system and conditioning/skating regimen that Berube demands. Analytics are one piece of the puzzle. Individually, these things may not make much difference but they add up in combination.


Registered User
Nov 28, 2008
^ Looks like JVR's acne blemished face....:sarcasm:

Anyway....hope people caught Meltzer's blog post on this topic. Excellent read.

People talk about how playing small ball in baseball is important (something the Phillies are incapable of doing.) Now we have SMALL PUCK Hockey....I really like the focus that Hextall is going to put on it. I really think it is important.

I do believe puck possession is what has to be stressed better. We'll see if we have the personnel to do so and if not I guess we'll see them moved like Hartnell.

When Jagr was here.... that line with G and Hartnell had career years b/c they had one of the all time best puck possession players on the line. In 2010 when Leino and Briere were lighting up the offense ....the puck possession by Leino in particular was key.Unfortunately, Leino became a human turnover machine the following year and Briere of course was always a defensive liability without the puck. The importance of puck possession players to complement other players like the Briere's and G's cannot be understated....

I like how Meltzer noted that saying you got to work harder isn't enough...that was what Barber used to say and he couldn't back it up with X and O's and eventually the locker room rebelled (i.e. show me not just tell me). I think Lavi had the same problem. The end- user approach that Hextall and Berube is taking with attack zone entries/analytics is a good step forward from the old school motivational approach only...

Yep its a good read. I like that Hextall will use it for motivation/coaching more than acquisition and trades. This is where we should be spending the big bucks though, scouting/data mining has no cap...


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