OT - NO POLITICS Hazy Days of Winter.

Years ago I got a bad sunburn on my legs. And the next day I had to attend a work event with a dress code that required me to wear pantyhose. (I did say this was years ago)

You have not known pain until you have dragged nylon over sunburned skin and had to sit there with it trapping all that heat.

Hose are near the top of my list of worst inventions ever.
That sounds…unpleasant.
Finally decided to buy a countertop ice maker. I haven't had an ice maker in my fridge freezer in years and I'm just tired of dealing with the trays. Then I don't make ice as often, and then I get frustrated when I want to make a smoothie and don't have ice. And I don't want to haul bags of ice from the store.

So yes, it's another thing to sit on my counter, but hopefully it will be worth it. Claims to make ice in 6 minutes.

