Happy Birthday McDonald`s®

Jiminy Cricket

Mar 9, 2014
Today is an Very Special day, as McDonald`s® turn`s a 100 Year`s old 2day. McDonald`s was born in 1919, When Ronald Said Let There Be Burger`s. And there were Burger`s. They only Had Hamburger`s back then Because they Didn`t have Cheese back in 1919.

So How Will U Be Celebrating?

I`ll be Eating @ Micholas Dick`s for an Nice meel. :clap: The Wive `n` I Are Goin`g 2 play in the play Pen `n` Roll around in the Ball pit like we Usually do. We also got 2 Ticket`s 2 see Grimace witch will make it an Special day 2 Rember. :handclap:

Happy Birthday McDonald`s® :clap::clap::clap::clap:


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