I was laughing at so many of the comments and also looking at all the names with asterisks after them!
Darryl Sutter is going to bring the Los Angeles Kings their first Stanley Cup!! And it is going to happen this year. Dairy Queen blizzards for everyone on me when it happens.
Great.. another coach who doesn't have much success in the history of scoring goals. I agree that the team needs a fire lit under its butt in the short term but it needs somebody creative to think outside the box and the get most out of the players the team has and I doubt Darryl Sutter is him. Looks like DL is as stubborn as Terry Murray.
Let's give Jeremy Roenick a chance.
F this. Someone start a speculation thread for our next GM.
Just when I thought I could be happy about TM getting fired. This...
He is TM2.0
I really don't expect much to change.
I have always been in support of Dean until now.
should i start the fire/rant DL thread now or......
I'm NOT on board with this move at all. I just see this as a lateral move. I guess I should have known better then to expect Dean to go after anything other than a defensive minded, grind it out, win or lose 2-1 coach. Dean needs to take a long hard look at the roster that HE put together and realize that this team is not currently built to have success with that style. If the hire officially happens I'll do my best to approach things with an open mind, but if this looks like the same team after another 20-25 games, Lombardi better start packing his bags.
I was laughing at so many of the comments and also looking at all the names with asterisks after them!
2nd helping of humble pie boys?![]()
Holy macaroni. Where's my Blizzard, Buddy?
I love what he told the CBC guy in one of the videos, when asked if he was going to hang them up...
He said he is already preparing for training camp!
Love this guy. That should put the whole "Daryl Sutter rather shovel **** than coach the Kings* next season" rumors to bed.
*A team he has coached to two Stanley Cups in three seasons. Who in their right mind would actually leave a position like that? Unsubstantiated rumors are to be ignored.
My oh my how many of us were wrong
Not sure if want.
But if he shows up behind the bench wearing a hood and carrying a scythe while he hovers over problem players, I'll smile.
Whining is contagious.