Hagens vs Desnoyers vs Frondell

Desnosyers seems like a Hawks type pick. I doubt they make the swing at 3-4 tho.

upside: Frondell>Hagens>CD

But if you think Desnoyers has 70+ point upside while being 6’2, strong on draws, and extremely competitive….man that’s as close to Toews as you can get
Watched Desnoyers when Moncton played the Eagles the other night in Sydney.

To be fair, the Wildcats are a stacked team (top ranked team in the entire CHL actually, I believe).

He's a good player, just very thin at the moment (6'2, 173 I think?). Seemed good at the dot. Nothing really stood out with him during the game, though.

Not sure I would want the Hawks to take him over Hagens if it came down to it. I'm just hopeful to land Schaefer or Misa.
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