GDT: Habs vs Sens at Le Centre Pneus Canadien - 7pm RDS, CityTV, SN360

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I think he’s a bust actually. Not worth the time. Too much uncertainty hesitation and mistakes. Better players will be available.

Hope I’m wrong though.
I don’t know about bust. He’s a later round pick and looks like one. Could make an alright bottom pairing guy in the future. But as of now not sure why we’re trying to make Harpur happen.
Paul sent back down. How can carey ever be beaten??
I think that was a mistake. Call him up and play him or let him continue his streak in Belleville. Don’t disrupt it for nothing.
Unless there was some issue with his attitude or punctuality when he got to Ottawa.
Still don't get why Karlsson exposed himself like that. No other defenseman airs out their own weaknesses.
It's not like it wasn't noticed. As they mentionned, Bobby Orr was the same. I doubt that all opponent players suddenly put it together from this interview and found a plan of attack on his backwards skating.
I think he’s a bust actually. Not worth the time. Too much uncertainty hesitation and mistakes. Better players will be available.

Hope I’m wrong though.
If you are hoping Harpur becomes top 4 then he probably is a bust. As a serviceable depth defenceman, which is how he’s paid he is perfect.
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I think that was a mistake. Call him up and play him or let him continue his streak in Belleville. Don’t disrupt it for nothing.
Unless there was some issue with his attitude or punctuality when he got to Ottawa.
I usually fear the worst. And that’s that Boucher really really really likes carey.
@swiftwin did it as well. We proceeded to give up a season low in shots against. Perhaps we do need ceci. We just need him off the ice at all times.

While I do think we're better with Ceci, I've been doing it tongue in cheek in a self deprecating fashion because it was my prediction after he went down that we'd miss him, and our d-corp continues to make me look bad for making that prediction.

I don't expect people to all catch on because they'd have to have seen all my GDT thread posts. Yes, I still don't think Ceci is a negative, not saying I don't, but the joke is coming into every GDT with the same comment that gets proven wrong by our D. At this point, as long as our streak continues , it's a borderline superstitious fan ritual.
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