GDT: Group B - May 21 - Sweden vs Russia

Agree. I don't mind seeing Larsson up the play but it happens way to often.
Exactly and that’s because he’s not used to have to make the decision to pinch or not in Edmonton, here he’s told its Okay to pinch and he doesn’t really understand that he can’t do it all the time, which, in turn hurts OELs game since he’s the one who is actually used to make those kinda decisions. Here he doesn’t get the chance because Larsson pinches every damn chance he gets. The biggest problem with this is that no one seems to tell him to maybe take a step back.
Lol, Grönborg was really passive-aggressive towards that Dusan reporter before the game too. Kind of childish. Just answer the reporters, that's part of your job.
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Grönborg hurt his little feelings?
No Grönborg chose the statistically inferior goalie going into the tournament now the statistically superior goalie isn’t on his game because he hasn’t faced enough competition and shots so far this tournament.
Well, its SVT what do you expect ? Everything should be equal and its runs by the leftist.

So, is André Pops more competent than Marie in any way? No, Renberg and Rönnberg are the experts. Stop crying like Grönborg. There is a difference between being disappointed and still act professional, instead of answering like a f*cking child just like Grönborg did. Rönnberg would never behave like that and he´s respectable, Renberg as well. He was acting like pr*ck against Dusan as well, a reporter who always tries to be energetic and respectful towards the players and coaches.
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Lol, Grönborg was really passive-aggressive towards that Dusan reporter before the game too. Kind of childish. Just answer the reporters, that's part of your job.
He has always been like that, just stop asking him questions and let him float into obscurity after his time with Tre Kronor.
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So is André Pops more competent than Marie in any way? No, Renberg and Rönnberg are the experts. Stop crying like Grönborg. There is a difference between being disappointed but still act professional and answering like a f*cking child like Grönborg did. Rönnberg would never behave like that and he´s respectable, Renberg as well.
Where did Pops even come from?
Grönborg has always been sour with the media. Maybe it is for the best that this is his last tournament.
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So, on a scale of 1 to 10. How many times better is Markström than Lundqvist?
Dont you ****ers tire of being wrong?
The fact that Markström had only 1 start compared to Lundqvists 5 prior to this one is disgraceful and unfair. Lundqvist is living on old merits, he has done nothing this year to deserve being the undisputed number 1 if Markström or Lehner would be a part of the team. Both of them are better than Lunqvist without a doubt. I also can't stand that i have to listen to SVT endlessly praising him for no reason every single game. Everything he does is spectacular apparently. It makes you kinda dislike him even though it's not his fault at all.

In the game today, things were snowballing which led to pretty much every single goal going in in the end. Not really only Markströms fault, the swedish performance and the mentality they showed was absolutely disgraceful. They left him out to dry, Markström couldn't catch a break. This team isn't going to win it with Lundqvist in goal and on top of that, having this defence in front of him, that's for sure.
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we where better than russia in first period, our players worked hard. the game ended 7-4, not 20-0

Believe it was the olympics or something? When Forsberg and the greats were playing. This is a known fact, they admitted it afterwards.
show me proof for this.
Here, i was right.

I dokumentären pratar ”Foppa” om att Sverige egentligen inte ville vinna den avslutande gruppspelsmatchen i OS-turneringen i Turin år 2006.
Sverige förlorade mot Slovakien med 3-0 efter en oengagerad insats och redan då spekulerades det i att Sverige ”lade sig” för att få slippa möta Kanada i de kommande kvartsfinalerna.
I dokumentären lägger ”Foppa” ytterligare ved på brasan när han säger att det i praktiken handlade om en läggmatch.
Uttalandet har uppmärksammats enormt i hela hockeyvärlden de senaste dygnen, och nu har också det internationella ishockeyförbundet krävt Svenska ishockeyförbundet om en förklaring till det hela.
Here, i was right.

I dokumentären pratar ”Foppa” om att Sverige egentligen inte ville vinna den av****ande gruppspelsmatchen i OS-turneringen i Turin år 2006.
Sverige förlorade mot Slovakien med 3-0 efter en oengagerad insats och redan då spekulerades det i att Sverige ”lade sig” för att få slippa möta Kanada i de kommande kvartsfinalerna.
I dokumentären lägger ”Foppa” ytterligare ved på brasan när han säger att det i praktiken handlade om en läggmatch.
Uttalandet har uppmärksammats enormt i hela hockeyvärlden de senaste dygnen, och nu har också det internationella ishockeyförbundet krävt Svenska ishockeyförbundet om en förklaring till det hela.


also, we would have beat canada anyways, they where terrible in that olympics. we won over finland, czech, swiss, usa, latvia, kazaksthan. only against russia and slovakia we where bad.

also, we would have beat canada anyways, they where terrible in that olympics. we won over finland, czech, swiss, usa, latvia, kazaksthan. only against russia and slovakia we where bad.

Okay, if you want to speculate about wins against Canada you do that mate ;)
Om du kan läsa mellan raderna så hajar du att det är en självklarhet att man la sig. Jag lägger ingen större vikt på det, konstaterar bara en historisk händelse i svensk hockeyhistoria.
”Foppa” förtydligar om läggmatch

well i saw nothing today that the players gave away the victory for free, they worked hard. russia have a very strong team.
well i saw nothing today that the players gave away the victory for free, they worked hard. russia have a very strong team.

Russia are great, but so is Sweden. Perhaps you are right, or perhaps you would not recognize or admit anything else when you were so eager to speculate about games against Canada that never took place ;)
Om du kan läsa mellan raderna så hajar du att det är en självklarhet att man la sig. Jag lägger ingen större vikt på det, konstaterar bara en historisk händelse i svensk hockeyhistoria.
”Foppa” förtydligar om läggmatch

Lol read between the lines!

Yeah you can pretty much read anything in between this lines... and Forsberg pretty much say he only speaks for himself not the whole team...
Russia are great, but so is Sweden. Perhaps you are right, or perhaps you would not recognize or admit anything else when you were so eager to speculate about games against Canada that never took place ;)

we are good on the paper, but we have been shit playingwise the whole tournament.

always fun to speculate, i think we would have won over canada if that happend. we had a great team in 2006...not even finland could stop us...
Lol read between the lines!

Yeah you can pretty much read anything in between this lines... and Forsberg pretty much say he only speaks for himself not the whole team...

Yeah, and you seem not to master reading between the lines. And what do you think the team thinks when the biggest leader and best player in Swedish history with Lidström admits this? Not only was Peter the best player with Lidström and Sundin, he was the biggest leader of them all because he had grit and the biggest winners mentality a Swedish player ever had.

If Gretzky, Crosby, Jagr, Selänne, Chara, etc would admit of not trying to win a game, what do you think would happen? Honestly, stop it.
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