First, as I said above there is not much money. Why do you presume things that exist only in your imagination?How come Belarus is worse than Latvia if it has more money and 500% more people? How come you have to rely on Canadians to save you from relegation? You have money, people, coaches, how come you're so ****?
Second, there is no correlation between population and results in hockey. Ask Slovenia and, say, India.
Third, I hope it's rhetorical questions. Cause in last 3-years period there nothing uncomparable between Latvia and Belarus, plus-minus little differences. Back in long-term period, yes, Latvia had been better. Not now. So, how come you had to play a-game-that-satisfied-both-parties (moderators, I hope I defined it right this time) against France to save from relegation. It's much more shit as I understand it than having legios in the national team (which I honestly do not accept and am mad about).
I guess we started from the point we finished a year ago.
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