Wow, what nonsense. When their careers overlapped from 1984 to 1991, Gretzky destoyed Lemieux. (That ended when Wayne's prime decisively ended in Sept. 1991.)
Gretzky also destoyed Lemieux head-to-head, both in the 1980s and in the 1990s, when he was past his prime.
When they played on the same club at Canada Cup '87, Gretzky was MVP, not Lemieux (who scored 11 goals, about 7 of which were on Gretzky passes).
Gretzky aged 30 to 36 in the playoffs (1990s):
70GP: 33G + 65A = 98 PTS / 1.40 PPG (+10)
Lemieux aged 27 to 35 in the playoffs (1990s + 2001):
58GP: 32G + 43A = 75 PTS / 1.20 PPG (+1)
So... here we have a younger Lemieux, playing on vastly higher scoring / more talented teams (with the co-best player in the world, Jagr), in his prime... and meanwhile post-prime, bad teams' Gretzky, in the same scoring environment (mid-1990s), still outscores Mario when the games matter. Now, imagine, if Wayne had been in his prime in the 1990s...
You're always good for a laugh!