I think there are a few brothers/father/son combos that would be close: Maurice/Henri Richard, Gordie/Mark/Marty Howe, and Bobby/Brett/Dennis Hull.Gretzky is worth any brother/family tandems ever imo. He's single handedly the greatest ever, this is getting closed quick.
Honestly? It’s not an individual sport.
Let’s say you have two blank slate teams of no-name players and everyone on the roster is the equivalent player of Calle Jankrok. The team that adds Quinn, Jack and Luke is going to beat the team that adds Wayne and two guys that are below replacement level. I have virtually no doubt.
That doesn’t mean the Hughes bros are “worth” more or … actually mean anything at all. But for the sake of this academic question, I am taking the trio of all stars because it is a team sport.
Gretzky would be putting up 120 points per game lmfaoI think it's because people see this question from an internet POV, as in Gretzky has all the records and trophies. It doesn't go farther than that
However that is not the reality. Incorporate Gretzky and the 3 Hughes on my beer league teams and the team with the 3 Hughes would win the game every single time.
Gretzky would be putting up 120 points per game lmfao
1) no
2) you’re probably severely underrating the Hughes bros abilities…
Gretzky has 4 consecutive 200pt seasons in the NHL and you’re talking about beer league lmfao get real man1) no
2) you’re probably severely underrating the Hughes bros abilities…
OP said you don't have to keep the other bros, so I assume a more modern comparison is kinda like CMD vs 3 Hughes bros.
The salary cap and a team is a thing, so even if the cap doesn't apply for the players in question, I assume you're not pairing Gretzky with below replacement level, it's middle 6 calibre at worst and basically your teams top wingers with him.
The other way I'd see it is that Gretzky's/CMD's abilities are stupendously high, so the question is kinda like whether you want all your talent in one player or spread out. Another way to look at it is whether you would want 1 generational talent or 3 elite talents on your team. Connor McDavid+ to your team for $0 is a crazy scenario to consider. All Hughes bros on your team with no cap implications is just as crazy.
$0 generational talent or $0 elite talents x3 you can add to your team or trade away is a slightly strange concept to consider. If different scenarios were created, I could see the ability to craft scenarios that swing the poll nearly unanimously between Gretzky bros or Hughes bros.
Gretzky has 4 consecutive 200pt seasons in the NHL and you’re talking about beer league lmfao get real man
I'd take Wayne and just bench his two brothers, you're still coming out ahead.
NahGretzky is worth any brother/family tandems ever imo. He's single handedly the greatest ever, this is getting closed quick.
There’s just no world where you are correct lolDon't know where to begin and frankly I care wayyyyy too little to go into long arguments about this
1) Did you read my scenario? Because your post seems to have NOTHING to do with it
2) I don't know why people imagine all kind of things with these comparisons. It has to be EVERYTHING ELSE BEING EQUAL. So you incorporate Gretzkys on a team (made of replacement level players) equal as the other one and you incorporate the 3 Hughes on the other team being equal as the other. Hughes brothers win easily.
3) It's not you add Gretzky to the current Oilers vs you add the 3 Hughes to another random team. We are ONLY comparing the 3 Gretzky vs the 3 Hughes.
Funny cuz the "get real man" people are often the ones who CAN'T see the reality the most... First, not all beer leaguers are equal and most importantly, the 3 Hughes brothers are playing and overall they'd be so much better than the Gretzky brothers it's not even funny.
Oh yeah, I'm sure he'd do great vs 3 guys
Keep in mind the Hughes would also be in the 80's, or Gretzky in the 2020's
This thread is just blind fanatism. Who cares about reality lol Gretzky and 2 busts is just better than 3 elite guys