It's Golyshev. They can live without him.
Talking about the hit not Golyshev.
Godlyshev rushed a bit with his hit, but i don't think it was a dirty one and if there was no injury, it would've been a non issue. Initially the refs also gave just a 2 minute penalty and when the guy couldn't get up, they increased it.
Puts us is n a position, wheresomeonehasto doubleshift in a second game in as many days... The hit itself, looked worse than it was.
Puts us is n a position, wheresomeonehasto doubleshift in a second game in as many days... The hit itself, looked worse than it was.
should of been 2 min penalty like it was initially called
Following a formal hearing with the player, the Disciplinary Panel determined that Baltisberger in attempting to receive the pass was not eligible to be hit as he did not have possession of the puck, and that Golyshev skated into the path of Baltisberger initiating body contact in an effort to prevent him from gaining possession of the puck. Although the video evidence is inconclusive as to whether contact to the head was made, Golyshev took advantage of an unsuspecting opponent, who was in a vulnerable position with no opportunity to defend himself.
Why do people keep on talking about "blindside hits."
The NHL didn't have the balls to outright ban headshots, so they banned blindside headshots.
This isn't a suspension in the NHL and it shouldn't of even been one in the IIHF, players hit other players going for the puck all the time.
Yup, you cant do that. Not sure why the announcers thought it was a somewhat of a clean hit when it was a textbook blindside headshot away from the puck.