I think he was back out for his next shiftBoeser been around since getting peppered by Miller?
I think he was back out for his next shiftBoeser been around since getting peppered by Miller?
I remember everyone saying the opposite when he came back and replaced garland on their lineKuz and EP don't play well with Mik
Square peg round hole etc
Can see why the Ducks are the most penalized team. Have gotten away with plenty of holds and some obvious interference plays so far.
Who?Mikheyev deserves some criticism too. Just looks so soft on all plays and nonchalant
Gotta bank points against teams like this
We really need to trade his ass away once Bear and Soucy is backMyers for f*** sakes
We just need anyone other than Juulsen at this point.We need Bear back so
Not going to lie, I think of it Everytime Hogs has the puck behind the net.One day Hoglander will actually do the Michigan or the Michigan pass behind the net. One day.