always with the "i'm at the game"Easy to say from your couch
Easy to say from your couch
Especially since his Ladue’s stick didn’t even touch his face.Tough penalty to take at the end there.
It's all Red Wing chants and us looking like trash. I'm not making some economic burn as tickets are cheap on Stub Hub.
Up one with barely any shots on a horrible team.
I'm just negative though.
Always with the pot shots.
I'm sorry if seeing the entire ice and feeling the atmosphere in the building where the game is being played is a better indicator of what's going on.
Entire building could squeeze a diamond out of their ass from a lump of coal but go ahead and tell me I'm just negative.
Are they replaying a different game for you on TV? Are you not watching this? They look like trash.
Nice "insufferable" edit. Ironic since you are one of the posters that has been turning this board into the same.
you're the one running your mouth about the message board quality, doesn't sound you're contributing muchHahaha.
Really says it all. You may continue but I'm done. Thank you.
Well yes, yes you are.
The game is fine, no ones fault but yours if you expect an NHL team to be easy to play against
LaDue giveth, and he taketh away. Maybe the rest of the team can wake up?