Can certainly disagree on what part the NHL and individual NHL teams should play as leaders and role models, but I'll tell you growing up as a minority in the hockey community was a ****ing nightmare on and off the ice. As you can tell I'm kind of an ******* so if anything it toughened me personally up a bit, but there's no excuse for a lot of the behavior I had to endure, and if I can make hockey that much easier to play for my kids and others in similar communities, that's better for the game as a whole.
No, it's not just hockey, no, you can't fix everyone, and no, it's not about 'safe spaces' or making everyone agree or anything like that, it's simply about focusing on the game itself and making it accessible without having to worry about bringing in all sorts of societal baggage. I wanted hockey to be an escape, but it was often a prison instead. No one should have that feeling, and even if I disagree with some of the events and causes sports organizations take up, I feel like supporting that is the right thing for me because I can't go into the stands and throw down every stupid ass parent who calls my kid a towelhead or (insert cause du jour here).
I would never force that view upon anyone, I respect that you disagree, just want you to know where it's coming from.