Ginger Papa has passed away

He used to post in the Ranger gdt's from time to time and post hilarious gif's.I used to call him the gif king.He was a joy to be around and brought laughter and good vibes with him whenever he came around.My heart goes out to his family,friends and those of us who's lives he touched.Rest Well Friend
I just dug up the last GDT he posted on HFVGK, the 2nd to last game before Covid wiped out the rest of the season. I'm surprised how many gifs and such still show up, especially with the boards still pretty borked. He loved his gifs, he loved to make GDTs, he probably made one on most teams forums. He had a style that was unique him.
I just dug up the last GDT he posted on HFVGK, the 2nd to last game before Covid wiped out the rest of the season. I'm surprised how many gifs and such still show up, especially with the boards still pretty borked. He loved his gifs, he loved to make GDTs, he probably made one on most teams forums. He had a style that was unique him.
He was certainly one of a kind.You know a person is special-when they can go to any teams board like he did,and be welcomed with open arms and a smile.
Very sad news, condolences to his family and friends. The greatest compliment I can pay him is that he posted here as a Canucks fan, and was 100% whole heartedly accepted by our online community as one of our brothers, which was likely the first and last time a Canuck fan would be so warmly welcomed. The man could come up with the appropriate gif in a split second to capture the current moment. He had a great sense of humor, and was one of those posters who you made sure that you didn’t miss any of his posts. A gem of a poster and he will be greatly missed. Rest in peace my friend.
If you’re watching from somewhere Ginger Papa, I hope you can see how universally loved you were. How beautiful it is that you made people, whom you’ve never met, care deeply about you. Such was the quality of your character. I’m saddened to know you’re gone from our lives. Rest in peace, sir.
I was just thinking about GP the other day. Genuine good dude, always made me laugh with his gif splashes when I've had a stressful day. He'll be missed around here.

RIP Ginger Papa.
I think I benefited from some of Ginger Papa's courtesy likes while excessively shit posting. I appreciated them, and hope you're in a much better place.
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