Gillis Interview(post game)


High-End Intangibos
Apr 5, 2010
The chances of landing Weber were slim with the plan Gillis was trying to execute

But what's the harm then? We don't lose the picks if we don't land Weber. It's like saying offering a contract to someone during free agency is bad if he doesn't accept.


Registered User
Sep 30, 2017
But what's the harm then? We don't lose the picks if we don't land Weber. It's like saying offering a contract to someone during free agency is bad if he doesn't accept.
No harm in making that offer so long as you are fully aware that it likely won’t be successful, again given the upcoming cba talks and that summer being the final chance anyone could get a back diving contract. Maybe that’s what the Weber camp was wanting. So, I don’t know if they were close to accepting the Canucks offer.


Registered User
Sep 30, 2017
Guys like Bieksa, Garrison, Hansen, Kesler etc were all moved despite NTCs. The whole "Gillis gave out too many NPCs so we couldn't move anyone" thing has been addressed constantly here and IMO thoroughly debunked by how often players with NTCs are moved. A short list does not mean you cannot get value for a quality player. Anaheim didn't want to give up Bonino for Kesler and as a result they went into the playoffs without Kesler and it may have cost them their cup window. They were ready to pay up next year.

Kesler was a Selke calibre player and like you said, is a competitor, likely the guy who most wanted to win, and it didn't matter to him where it was. Which is what I respect in him.
He wanted out. And really, the deal that Benning got, was what I expected, with the exception of taking Scisba over someone like Theodore.

Do you get maximum value with a NTC player that isn't elite? I think not. But, you can get value, depending on what you take back or retain. Dependent on how much that team really wants to have that player and what assets they have to offer. Some teams might not have prospects that you covet or like SJ, have dealt a lot of picks away already, so you have to wait an extra year for that pick.
And in a rebuild you don't trade everyone. Garrison going for a 2nd, with his NTC, term and cap hit, I think was fair. Especially for someone they got as a free agent 2 years earlier.
Bieksa likely would have been moved when he did or even a year earlier.
Hamhuis likely stays.
Sedins, they signed their last contracts in Nov 2013, so not sure if they are part of the group that leaves too as they had 1 year left after the 2013 season. UFA in 2014 if they didn't extend.
Burrows, his NTC would kick in on July 1, 2013, so if they were going to move him, that was the time.
Edler, this is the tough one for me, because I believe this is very much a relationship business. Edler signed his deal mid Jan 2013, 6 weeks from the TDL and 5 months from being a UFA. I would imagine if I was in his situation, part of the discussion since i was getting a NTC in the new deal was that the Canucks not trade me if I sign in Jan. Obviously, this is not enforceable since it only matters what is written in the contract. Canucks won their division in 2013, so I wouldn't expect them to deal him at the TDL. Would they have moved him before his NTC kicked in? He'd return excellent value. But, it doesn't seem right to deal him after he signed. Again, this is assuming that he would have asked not to be dealt.

You compared them by implying Weber's most significant asset is his shot which Garrison has anyway.

I was trying to say that Garrison's best asset was his shot. I believe he had goal totals in the teens in his final year in FLA. That's the only asset he possesses that is comparable to Weber's game. Obviously, Weber is the better player.

The reason you sign Garrison is because you might not get Weber.

I think that by July 4, Gillis would have been told by the Weber camp, that his offer would not be accepted. Thus, he moved on. Which is what he should do. But if Weber hasn't declined it, I believe that you risk not signing Garrison if you feel that you can still land Weber.

If he doesn't sign the offer sheet no harm no foul. Get Weber on a relatively cheap contract from a team that can't afford him.
Correct, no harm no foul. I think with offer sheets, if you truly want the guy, you have to pay the price to get him. Same back when Gillis offer sheeted Backes. Was a 2nd round pick enough for St. Louis to walk away? Ditto for the Canucks and Kelser. Might as well bump the deal to make it worth a 1st and 3rd if you really want the guy. A 1 year deal at $8.4 Nashville matches, as they did with the Philly offer. Poile's biggest regret as GM was letting Stevens leave via offer sheet when he was GM in Washington. I imagine that he used that to convince the Nashville owners to match the Philly deal.
I think given the situation and circumstances, Weber's camp was looking for a long term offer sheet with the expected changes to the new CBA. $104 million for the first 10 years. Contrast that to what he would get under the new CBA rules of an 8 year max term? Would he get a Toews/Kane deal? So, that's why I believe Gillis's offer had very little chance of success.

I can't believe people still criticize Gillis' trading history with a straight face. It's another argument that falls apart with even a little bit of research into the players we actually acquired, the value of the players we traded, and the circumstances for their sometimes real sometimes fictional decline.

I didn't criticize or compliment his trade history. Just listed them out. Each person has their own assessment of them. Factor in cap hit, term, trade restrictions, and that's what Gillis did trade wise. At best we can use that as a basis to loosely guess what he could have done, and really, that's all that would be, a guess.
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Blade Paradigm

Registered User
Oct 21, 2017
In my opinion, Gillis' biggest failure was his inability to find the final star-caliber, second-line scorer that this team needed.

Sedin-Sedin-Burrows was a phenomenal discovery in 2008-09.

However, from 2009 to 2011, I was never convinced that Raymond nor Samuelsson were the answer on Kesler's wings. If the Canucks were interested in pursuing Shea Weber, I would also like to hope that they inquired about Phil Kessel and Ilya Kovalchuk, both of whom were traded during the 2009-10 season. While Weber would have been a great addition, the defence was already quite well built with Ehrhoff, Salo, Edler, Mitchell/Hamhuis, Bieksa, Rome, Alberts, and O'Brien/Ballard. If the Mathieu Schneider situation had worked out well, that would have been a bonus.

The top six was at its greatest in Gillis' first year:


Sundin scored at a 69-point pace over his final 19 regular season and playoff games with 16 points during that stretch. Considering he missed the first half of the season, he performed quite well towards the end of the year.

He never really adequately replaced Sundin after the 2008-09 season.

Gillis tried to address the lack of second-line support with the David Booth acquisition, but that experiment failed, and the window of opportunity had already begun to close by then.
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Sep 25, 2016

It's astounding how you just accused others of only wanting to win arguments, yet that is your only objective. If you want to talk hockey go ahead, and get the F*CK out of the tank thread and MG threads when hockey fans want to discuss their thoughts on this sport. You purposely decide to troll and continue with endless arguments and you want to act like you're on some high horse above everyone else? Who do you think you're fooling with this BS?

that's a pretty virulent attack on me. being accused of lying and trolling are not things i can really respond to here.

let me answer as best i can.

first off, can you show me my posts in the tank thread and management threads that offend you and you want me to stop making? i am curious because i literally never post in either threads. i consider them a safe space for benning haters. true story. occasionally my posts end up in there when threads are merged but i don't think it has happened any time recently.

second, going through your past posts trying to figure out who the heck you are acting like you know me with all of 113 posts and never having had any dealings with you i can recall before this thread is a good learning experience. i now know i am certainly not alone in being attacked by you in your short tenure here. you seem to resort to insulting people almost immediately and everyone who disagrees with you seems to be a variation on an idiot or liar or hypocrite.

i will let 14 incisors speak for me in answering your attacks on me, although others you went after had some good responses too:

"Next time you have an opinion jot it down with your crayons and put it on the fridge—seems like you could use a safer space to post than an internet forum, since you can’t handle someone contesting your opinion without becoming aggravated and deflecting the discussion..."

you are the one who had brought up the crayons in that exchange, incidentally.

i also think it is worth summarizing your history here because it helps me understand how important gillis is to you, and why you are lashing out so hard at a gillis critic in this thread.

you joined in march 2016, and posted just once that year explaining you had "pretty much stopped being involved with the canucks" when linden and benning took over, couldn't get along with people on cdc and also telling us how awesome gillis was. here is a money quote from your first ever post.

" I was against the hiring of Linden and Benning since the beginning and was very vocal about this on CDC since they took over... As I mentioned in my threads, MG was just getting his drafting in order and starting to turn his faults into advantages. MG would get this team back to its glory years in pretty short order since he's done it before...never underestimate a thinking/calculating man. "

having apparently registered here to make the point that gillis was the most awesomest awesome thing ever, you then disappeared for over two years.

you returned this summer for your second post, to discuss the kesler trade. since then you seem to have only two points to make. (a) gillis was awesome and about to fix things and (b) current management and linden suck in all respects and everything they have done is bad and they suck and they are terrible and anyone who disagrees is an idiot. it's hard to find an actual discussion of a player or a game in your posts.

to that end, you have only 113 posts total on hfboards, but over 20% (25) of those posts alone are in this thread defending gillis (and attacking me for trashing gillis). you also posted a bunch in the linden firing thread to explain how he deserved to be fired, along with the weisbrod conspiracy thread, and you have a dozen posts in other threads defending gillis . most of the rest are attacking everything current management has ever done. there is a thread where you conceded demko was an ok pick in passing, but i disgress,

if i add up all your gillis related posts i get to 30% of your total posts.

considering all but one of those posts dates to 2018 that is an impressive fixation with a former nhl hockey exeutive who has done nothing newsworthy since 2014. i think if you like the guy so much maybe you should marry him.

one thing you won't find in a single post you have ever made here is a discussion of pettersson's play. your only substantive comment on pettersson to date i can find was a discussion about the canuck's internal prospect rankings.

"Granted, I think Hughes and Petterson will be in the top 2, but I'm not convinced they'll be game changers...especially in the playoffs."

you claim to be a die hard canuck fan but, apart from this, you do not have a single post commenting on or discussing pettersson's play, or quinn hughes' play for that matter. or even boeser's game. the only time they seem to come up in your posts is in discussions of benning era draft picks where you are downplaying benning's draft record by conceding these ones were ok but noting the misses.

very odd for a canuck fan right now, considering pettersson is the biggest thing to happen to the canucks in a long time.

in short, maybe you should pre-order your seattle jersey.


Registered User
Jan 29, 2018
You can’t possibly be watching any games if you think the defense is adequate and that goaltending is losing us games. Our defense has been absolutely abismal, and this season has been an absolute shooting gallery for the other team.
I didn’t say the defence was adequate... but goaltending has been the bigger issue and once again no soft goals, Canucks win, and the defence looks better as they can play knowing there’s a goalie going to make a save.


The Nuge is huge
Jun 23, 2016
Gillis made some incredible moves, for example adding one of the best puck moving/offensive defensemen in the NHL from 2010-2012 Ehrhoff for absolutely nothing. He also made the decision to re-sign the Sedins when a lot of Canucks fans wanted them gone. They went on to dominate the NHL(as an Oilers fan it was infuriating but incredible to watch them spend 15 minutes per game in out end passing the puck on a string around Smid and Sutton and Whitney)

Those 2011 deadline moves were great but the 2012 and 2013 weren't. If not for injuries or even just that Rome hit we'd be calling Gillis a stanley cup winning GM. He was executive of the NHL for a reason. I hope he gets another GM job, I think he's great. That Horvat draft trade was beautiful as well, although you guys haven't had good starting goaltending since.

Also, I remember the Oilers pushing the Canucks around in 2008, you had that little mike Weaver fighting and when Gillis took over he added Hordichuk, Shane O'Brien and the next year the Canucks were pushing the Oilers around while dominating on the scoreboard.

nuck luck

Registered User
Mar 2, 2016
that's a pretty virulent attack on me. being accused of lying and trolling are not things i can really respond to here.

let me answer as best i can.

first off, can you show me my posts in the tank thread and management threads that offend you and you want me to stop making? i am curious because i literally never post in either threads. i consider them a safe space for benning haters. true story. occasionally my posts end up in there when threads are merged but i don't think it has happened any time recently.

second, going through your past posts trying to figure out who the heck you are acting like you know me with all of 113 posts and never having had any dealings with you i can recall before this thread is a good learning experience. i now know i am certainly not alone in being attacked by you in your short tenure here. you seem to resort to insulting people almost immediately and everyone who disagrees with you seems to be a variation on an idiot or liar or hypocrite.

i will let 14 incisors speak for me in answering your attacks on me, although others you went after had some good responses too:

"Next time you have an opinion jot it down with your crayons and put it on the fridge—seems like you could use a safer space to post than an internet forum, since you can’t handle someone contesting your opinion without becoming aggravated and deflecting the discussion..."

you are the one who had brought up the crayons in that exchange, incidentally.

i also think it is worth summarizing your history here because it helps me understand how important gillis is to you, and why you are lashing out so hard at a gillis critic in this thread.

you joined in march 2016, and posted just once that year explaining you had "pretty much stopped being involved with the canucks" when linden and benning took over, couldn't get along with people on cdc and also telling us how awesome gillis was. here is a money quote from your first ever post.

" I was against the hiring of Linden and Benning since the beginning and was very vocal about this on CDC since they took over... As I mentioned in my threads, MG was just getting his drafting in order and starting to turn his faults into advantages. MG would get this team back to its glory years in pretty short order since he's done it before...never underestimate a thinking/calculating man. "

having apparently registered here to make the point that gillis was the most awesomest awesome thing ever, you then disappeared for over two years.

you returned this summer for your second post, to discuss the kesler trade. since then you seem to have only two points to make. (a) gillis was awesome and about to fix things and (b) current management and linden suck in all respects and everything they have done is bad and they suck and they are terrible and anyone who disagrees is an idiot. it's hard to find an actual discussion of a player or a game in your posts.

to that end, you have only 113 posts total on hfboards, but over 20% (25) of those posts alone are in this thread defending gillis (and attacking me for trashing gillis). you also posted a bunch in the linden firing thread to explain how he deserved to be fired, along with the weisbrod conspiracy thread, and you have a dozen posts in other threads defending gillis . most of the rest are attacking everything current management has ever done. there is a thread where you conceded demko was an ok pick in passing, but i disgress,

if i add up all your gillis related posts i get to 30% of your total posts.

considering all but one of those posts dates to 2018 that is an impressive fixation with a former nhl hockey exeutive who has done nothing newsworthy since 2014. i think if you like the guy so much maybe you should marry him.

one thing you won't find in a single post you have ever made here is a discussion of pettersson's play. your only substantive comment on pettersson to date i can find was a discussion about the canuck's internal prospect rankings.

"Granted, I think Hughes and Petterson will be in the top 2, but I'm not convinced they'll be game changers...especially in the playoffs."

you claim to be a die hard canuck fan but, apart from this, you do not have a single post commenting on or discussing pettersson's play, or quinn hughes' play for that matter. or even boeser's game. the only time they seem to come up in your posts is in discussions of benning era draft picks where you are downplaying benning's draft record by conceding these ones were ok but noting the misses.

very odd for a canuck fan right now, considering pettersson is the biggest thing to happen to the canucks in a long time.

in short, maybe you should pre-order your seattle jersey.

Ok, I'll explain myself.

I have been pissed off since the day MG got fired, and I take unwarranted insults towards him personally. I was in a heated debate with an entire fan base on CDC for approximately 6 months since that day. Literally (same user name if you want to verify). This interview and discussion has brought up a slew of memories and emotions for me.

Having said the above, I am ok with pointing out some faults like his drafting record if his draft position is taken into consideration. However, I get heated when common sense is put aside or arguments are posted that lack any common sense, this includes being unable to grasp a read on something straight-forward or misinterpreting the obvious.

I don't have the time to go through your post history, but I did go through the ones in this thread. AND...after re-reading, this thread I will admit that I got a bit fired up by the time I was responding to you. There were a lot of previous posts by others that fell into one of the categories I mentioned above. I did have an issue with yours, but I may have started to mix you up with others that I have mentioned often. My frustration was built up after reading continuous posts that were just ignorant, so I may have been fired up by the time I got to yours. Granted I gradually leaned towards more personal insults as our discussions went along. But your posts were becoming more hypocritical or false...

1) MG spending 4 years in exile - Linden was out longer and even so, there are plenty of ways to stay up-to-date in this day and age

2) Poor drafting record as evidence that only they would say GMs play a small role in drafting - in reality, any GM regardless of record would say the same (another poster quoted other GMs with better draft records proving my point)

3) Arguing that a GM's role requires more involvement is just not true, this is just something obvious and is ridiculous to argue.

4) After being proven wrong with direct quotes, you still question the validity and suggest it should be taken with a grain of salt. If you really wanted to promote discussions and are a 'reasonable person' that is not 'deliberately trying to misunderstand me and win an argument', you would have just accepted you were mistaken and moved on.

5) Your next post you accuse MG of not admitting failure and blaming others when in fact, his admission of not addressing the scouting staff is an admission of fault for any GM. The scouting staff is their responsibility.

6) You claim you didn't enjoy or appreciate the seasons we had here with him, something about 'lollipops and picnics'. I believe this to be a straight-out lie. I don't believe a single canuck fan didn't enjoy the seasons or at least the Playoff runs we had, excluding the final games where we got knocked out. Yes, I'll be honest, I get pissed when people don't show gratitude.

7) Double-standards. You mock MG and want to undermine what he said because he used an interview to promote himself. Everyone does this and it is normal and I pointed out how linbennbrod do it consistently to lie to us.

8) Yes, I called you out on the above and than you replied with some set 'standard' for 'reasonable posters', but your posts would fall into the fail category itself. I wouldn't mind if you followed your own standards, but you don't so I called you out on that.

Now, I will admit that my posts were more personal and you might have replied with stark due to emotions, that I can understand. However, your other comments on the standards of a 'reasonable poster' must be followed by yourself if you want others to abide. Personally, I wear my heart on a sleeve and I get pissed when common sense is ignored, false information is spread or blatent hypocrisy.

Hence, I apologize for any posts that you felt were too personal (I don't know which comments you were referring to). But, I still stand by my points saying that you evaded the truths, made false claims and were being very hypocritical in this thread.

Your second point. I already admitted that I may have been influenced by reading other posters before I read your first post in the latter part of this thread. I will say that my anger was unwarrented towards you in particular as there are others that post absurd things without any thought.

And NO, you are definitely not alone, however, I believe others deserve a strong reply if they continue to post lies, refute reason and act in complete ignorance. And they continue to repeat the same disproven arguments after they have been given reasonable facts and truths. We are human, there is a limit to what we are able to endure.

14incisors comments with me, I believe my response was quite witty...interesting you omitted that. Regardless, did you continue to read our argument? I believe we were able to end it very amicably. It's not difficult when two people can see their errors and admit faults.

Glad you can find that post on Gillis. Actually, the truth is and chairman mouth can verify, I posted twonew threads and they both got deleted. Hence, I decided to refrain from posting. And yes, I took a hiatus because I am a man of my word. It's actually been a lot longer than 2 years, it's been about 6 months after they got lindbenn got hired. I swore I would not support this organization with these two idiots in charge. I have also not spent a single penny on the canucks either.

Not posting does not mean I didn't follow the results, read the news or read HF...I've discontinued reading CDC. So I am very up-to-date with what is happening and if you check my posts on CDC, you will find I was correct on every one of my points and predictions, except for WD. If you want to compare track records of who's been proven correct since lindbenn, than I'm game. This might be the best way for us to resolve this issue of who has a better grasp on what's happening now and future implications.

I'm still trying to understand what you're trying to sherlock by going through my posts? haha

Btw, you just verified my points. You come to your own conclusions without putting any other thoughts in the process and deciding that your's is the only outcome possible. I proved all your theories wrong above or at least provided you with a more reasonable theory and you evade it. Again.

I suggest you go through my 'likes' as well...I didn't know that not commenting reflected anything? Or maybe it's because I will not allow myself to get excited and chose to sit and wait until bennbrod is gone. That is my first and only objective at the moment because there is NO future while they are still with the Canucks.

Marry Gilles? Really? Do you think I have a you think he'd be interested?

Are you insinuating I'm gay and if so, do you have an issue with gay people? I'll take offence to this one because I know a few people who are gay with one being a nephew of mine. So you can now go FU@K yourself with your high-horse attitude. Hope that this doesn't offend you unless you're into beastiality, than just FU@K yourself.

So Inspector Gadget, please go ahead and solve other irregularities and please post your evidence and conclusions. It's been very enlightening!

As I said, I wear my heart on my sleeve and don't try and 'act' like I'm someone else and try and set rules for people to be like my pretend-self. If this organization doesn't improve and play as a 'team', I will definitely have a 1A team to cheer for in Seattle.

Here's why bennbrod is my first priority. The non-reaction from this team after the body slam on Pete is inexcusable. And I'm not talking about a Bert-type retaliation, but there needs to be a scrum at minimum, players should be following through with their checks on all their stars. As for those players on the ice at the time, their first reaction should be to get in time to think and no time for instructions from the coach. Build a team that has each others backs and that's what bonds a team together. bennbrod is just wasting cap space, not giving our prospects their fair due and straight-out lying about the kind of players he's acquiring or he just has no F'N clue on how to run a team.

nuck luck

Registered User
Mar 2, 2016
The chances of landing Weber were slim with the plan Gillis was trying to execute given the expiration of the prior cba and that summer being the last chance for any player to get a back diving deal in 2012. I’m guessing Weber’s agent went hard to obtain one. What would Weber have gotten contract wise if he didn’t get the offer sheet? Do 1 year then sign for 8 years in 2013? What kind of salary would he get? $9 million per. Compared to the offersheet that’s a massive difference. $80 mill over 9 years vs $110 mill over 14 with $104 in the first 10 years.

And yes you don’t trade everyone. If they rebuilt, then Kesler and Edler are your most valuable trade chips, they move first especially with Edlers ntc not kicking in yet. Move burrows too before his kicks in. Lu, with his contract likely same deal with or just keep him and then not need to sign Miller like Benning did. In time you move Bieksa. Hamhuis could keep to help the younger players. Twins, well they were never leaving unless Gillis and co thought it would be wise for them to move on and not extend them for 4 more years in Nov 2013.

There would be pain from 2013 to now even under Gillis. We just don’t know where they Finnish in the standings those years and what they would have drafted. Along with Gillis getting to hire AVs replacement. Would they have drafted earlier or later than what they did these past few years?

To be honest, I haven't put much thought into what MG would've done because it's been so long. Too many details I think...

However, I agree that Edler would be a major piece, but MG and Gilman would have to seriously evaluate ROI with all players excluding Sedins. I'm just pretty confident that MG could've sold Weber on his plan.

There would be pain, but if he was given the ok to rebuild, I highly doubt it would last until now or at least we could see the light at the end of the tunnel. If the weber experiment didn't work, we could've gotten top dollar to quicken the rebuild for him. MG would be acquiring picks and he knew his players well, he wouldn't let them just walk with nothing in return. He would have a solid plan and executed it, that I think, is one of his best attributes. One things for sure, he would've only signed Miller for cheap after his awful season, not added a full NTC as well because nobody was making offers, and he would've traded him for something instead of letting him walk.

I think we might have drafted around the same because I highly doubt he would have played rookies before they were ready. He would let them soak up AHL minutes until he acquired his core pieces plus.

vadim sharifijanov

Registered User
Oct 10, 2007
just listened to the beginning of part one on the commute today. my favourite subtle dig at the current regime so far: "if you run a meritocracy, which we did, everybody gets a chance to be heard."


It's a wolf v2.0
Jul 29, 2003
Visit site
To be honest, I haven't put much thought into what MG would've done because it's been so long. Too many details I think...

However, I agree that Edler would be a major piece, but MG and Gilman would have to seriously evaluate ROI with all players excluding Sedins. I'm just pretty confident that MG could've sold Weber on his plan.

It's easy to speculate the likely direction we'd have taken if ownership didn't meddle at the end of the 2014 season, and has been done plenty of times before. Go back a year before that though at the end of 2013 when Gillis wanted to start rebuilding and e have pretty much nothing to go on for what the plan would have been.


Registered User
Aug 18, 2018
It's easy to speculate the likely direction we'd have taken if ownership didn't meddle at the end of the 2014 season, and has been done plenty of times before. Go back a year before that though at the end of 2013 when Gillis wanted to start rebuilding and e have pretty much nothing to go on for what the plan would have been.

Sure, maybe the Canucks could have had Sutter and Pouliot earlier after all.

Canucks refused to yield on inferior offers for Ryan Kesler

The Penguins reportedly offered a package that included centre Brandon Sutter, the choice of two mid-grade prospects, and first- and third-round draft picks. The Canucks are believed to have wanted a premium prospect, such as Portland Winterhawks offensive defenceman Derrick Pouliot, whom Pittsburgh general manager Ray Shero refused to include.

nuck luck

Registered User
Mar 2, 2016
It's easy to speculate the likely direction we'd have taken if ownership didn't meddle at the end of the 2014 season, and has been done plenty of times before. Go back a year before that though at the end of 2013 when Gillis wanted to start rebuilding and e have pretty much nothing to go on for what the plan would have been.

True. Also, it's tough to gauge what would have happened with the Sedins because a true rebuild would definitely include the two.

Having said that, if the two Gmen wanted to rebuild earlier and kept the Sedins, the player's we had, their value would've been at prime levels still. The amount of 1st round picks and early picks would have been drool worthy.

It obviously would depend on the scouting staff (Boston showed everyone how you can screw up multiple 1st rounders) and if they made the right changes, but I think they hit a HR with Bo, and I was pretty impressed with the picks in that draft (at the time).

Having mentioned Boston,they retained a few vets and are still in the SC hunt. Had they not gone off the board with those early picks, they may have been in the Finals again. In relation, a rebuild could have worked with us if we kept the Sedins and a couple others (Edler/Tanev).

If we did a rebuild at the end of 2012 or 2013, what vets would you keep and the players we traded? Would be interesting to know the returns had we rebuilt when MG wanted to...

vadim sharifijanov

Registered User
Oct 10, 2007
Price to get Weber in 2012? Was he planning on offer sheeting him cause I don’t think the Canucks have what the Preds would have wanted to move Weber.

Hosgson was traded, and the prospects up to 2012 were meh. Even moving Schneider still leaves a lot left to add.

If 2012 he felt a change was needed why didn’t he make them? Cause it seemed to go the other way based on the contracts he gave out.

Higgins 4 years in 2013, was to end in 2017. 30 in 2013.
Burrows 4 years in in 2012, was to end in 2017. 31 in 2012.

we'll never know, but my guess is kesler, a prospect (jensen or scrotes?), and a pick (2nd?), maybe with booth thrown in for a lower pick back


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