Get rid of the NMC


Registered User
Jan 4, 2018
NMC or NTC themselves aren't the problem. The problem is stupid GMs that give them out to everyone, including the jobbers, like they're candy.
They really have no choice cuz it can be the determining factor of why a team choses one destination over another just cuz one gm stubbornly give them.

The Gr8 Dane

Jan 19, 2018
Yeah take away all the players rights! Have them play for pennies too! yeah!!!

Just another canadian crying on the mainboards whats new

Melrose Munch

Registered User
Mar 18, 2007
Everyone except small market teams and their fans, as they can't just buy their way out of mistakes.

They also will get outbid by big markets who can weaponize buyouts by offering lower salary at much longer term, knowing it's going to be bought out halfway through ... If I get an offer of 4x5 from a small team or an 8x4 from a big team with an understanding that it'll never make it past year 4, guess which one I'm taking?

That also has the side effect of big teams essentially being able to buy a lower cap hit for equivalent value players.

Of course young star players on small markets will quickly see the value of bigger money, and the ability to go get another big contract after a buyout, so they and their agents will quickly force their way out of the small markets ASAP.

So back to the era of haves and have nots.
That's usually what happens in every other industry. And again, if people don't want to play in a certain place, they'll find a way.


Registered User
Nov 10, 2022
Teams like the Leafs and Rangers are benefitting from the salary cap just as much as teams like Winnipeg or Carolina do. They get to pocket way more of their income than they otherwise would if player salaries were uncapped. Suggest to MLSE that we should do away with NTC/NMC and the first thing you'll hear is "What's that going to cost us?" followed by the buzzer for security to come escort you out.


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