Farming Simulator 2017
Go ahead...judge me.
Farming Simulator 2017
Go ahead...judge me.
I've played Farming Simulator 2015. It's a great way keep busy (kind of) while listening to some podcast. FS always reminds me of Cox n' Crendor which is what I listened to when I played. I like to drive around and just mow grass everywhere(Is that right? mow grass? Or do you cut grass and mow the lawn?)
Been playing Cities: Skylines on XB1 for a couple days now. I'm really enjoying it! The controls are really intuitive and work very well, which is something I was skeptical about.
Are there like "challenges" that come with the game, or is it all just a sandbox, start a new game on a new map and do whatever you want?
Went to Walmart this morning after work and came home with Doom, Grand Theft Auto 5, and Fallout 4.
For 95 bucks.
I think that's gonna be money very well spent.
I bought PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. I've never played mouse/keyboard before, so that takes some adjustment. So far my best is 18th in solo (twice). Basically my strategy has been to jump off the plane to somewhere sparse, hope you find a car, then just drive quite a ways away to start looting in peace. Lotta fun so far even if I suck.
I wish I had a PC to play that on, I keep watching the Giant Bomb streams and it looks so fun.
I tried to get into Fallout 4 but I just couldn't. Was a huge let-down from the previous games in the franchise (well, minus FO3). Basically none of the choices you make actually have any impact on the game and the dialogue wheel options are vague and sometimes inaccurate. Plus the dialogue is just not very great. Such a pretty game and there was a really cool world built around a mediocre main game.
If it wasn't called "Fallout" I'd probably enjoy it more, but I expected a RPG and I got more of an Action-Adventure game. Like if they would've had FO4's world, with NV's dialogue/options, and none of that building crap that would be one of the best games ever.
Thumper is a heck of a game.
what kind of game is it?
Is there a better way to spend a nite than with a crap ton of beer, a fifth of Jack and Worms: Armageddon?![]()