Dee Oh Cee
Registered User
Thoughts on Demons Souls? The Souls franchise are, far and away, my favorite games of all time. I played Demons Souls when it first came out, before Souls really took off, but never did beat it and never got around to to playing again since I had retired the old PS3. We had PS5's at my base the day they were released, but I missed out and don't anticipate another shipment before I get home. It looks gorgeous, but I've been holding off on watching a playthrough so I don't spoil it ... but its been tough. Can't wait to play it.
I've been having a great time with it so far. I never played the original so I'm not sure how far in I am but beat ~5 bosses or so. I'm a bit weird when it comes to the Souls games. I feel like on some of them I enjoy watching other people play them more than I like playing them myself. I've tried starting the original Dark Souls multiple times and end up fizzling out not too long after Ornstein/Smough. I have Bloodborne and didn't get beyond the first boss(es). I get frustrated when you can't immediately retry the boss and you have to run back to him from the most recent bonfire or w/e.
For whatever reason I feel like I've been doing a little better in DeS. It's definitely different and weird having the grasses instead of estus, and not any bonfires really. But they do a pretty good job at opening up shortcuts so you can get to where you want from the warp points. From everything I've heard it's a pretty darn accurate remake of the original, just everything is updated w/PS5 graphics/framerate/etc.
When I beat this one I plan on trying Sekiro next and maybe DS3 someday.