OT: General Video Game Discussion IX

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Thoughts on Demons Souls? The Souls franchise are, far and away, my favorite games of all time. I played Demons Souls when it first came out, before Souls really took off, but never did beat it and never got around to to playing again since I had retired the old PS3. We had PS5's at my base the day they were released, but I missed out and don't anticipate another shipment before I get home. It looks gorgeous, but I've been holding off on watching a playthrough so I don't spoil it ... but its been tough. Can't wait to play it.

I've been having a great time with it so far. I never played the original so I'm not sure how far in I am but beat ~5 bosses or so. I'm a bit weird when it comes to the Souls games. I feel like on some of them I enjoy watching other people play them more than I like playing them myself. I've tried starting the original Dark Souls multiple times and end up fizzling out not too long after Ornstein/Smough. I have Bloodborne and didn't get beyond the first boss(es). I get frustrated when you can't immediately retry the boss and you have to run back to him from the most recent bonfire or w/e.

For whatever reason I feel like I've been doing a little better in DeS. It's definitely different and weird having the grasses instead of estus, and not any bonfires really. But they do a pretty good job at opening up shortcuts so you can get to where you want from the warp points. From everything I've heard it's a pretty darn accurate remake of the original, just everything is updated w/PS5 graphics/framerate/etc.

When I beat this one I plan on trying Sekiro next and maybe DS3 someday.
Oh! What server and faction? Westfall Alliance here.

Horde - Gnomeregan. Starting from scratch, it's been a LONG time since I played. Trying a bit of everything, but thinking of maining balance/resto druid

i refuse to redownload that game even over a decade later. This game ruined my social life.

I'm currently in a position where there isn't much of an opportunity for a social life for a while ... so I think it's a good fit for the time being!
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I'm currently in a position where there isn't much of an opportunity for a social life for a while ... so I think it's a good fit for the time being!

Could have had alot to do with the fact i was one of 6 guild GMs on the #1 alliance guild on azuremyst and at the time was the highest rated rogue on the server so i was constantly doing raids, recruiting, farming for the guild bank, and dealing with internal issues in the guild... was a fulltime job. honestly stresses me out just thinking of it.
Finished Demon's Souls, first Souls game I actually got to the credits on. Was a ton of fun. Feel like I missed a ton of optional items and cool stuff but can always do NG+ if I want to. I've heard things get brutal in the NG+.

Working on Spiderman Miles Morales now, heard it wasn't very long. Game looks incredible. Really cool to have the 60 FPS option for games on the PS5. Load times are basically non-existent.

Cyberpunk after that. Seen a couple of reviews come in but do my best to avoid most of them. I typically check Game Informer and maybe Giant Bomb but like to come up with my own thoughts. So many good game options out there. Cool that once they have it ready it'll be a free upgrade from ps4 to ps5 (for Cyberpunk).
Could have had alot to do with the fact i was one of 6 guild GMs on the #1 alliance guild on azuremyst and at the time was the highest rated rogue on the server so i was constantly doing raids, recruiting, farming for the guild bank, and dealing with internal issues in the guild... was a fulltime job. honestly stresses me out just thinking of it.
Right, that sounds like a nightmare.
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Cyberpunk 2077... I officially love this game! I've never been a fan of first person games, prefer the 3rd person perspective, but the stealth mechanics and game radar are really effective in making this game enjoyable even in first person combat.

I've also never been big on open world, as IMO, it generally removes depth of story. This is the first open world game where it feels open world with a focus. I think the first person perspective really helps, as most conversations aren't cut scenes, but they feel like cut scenes anyway, giving the same depth of perspective with such minor characters as with the important ones. That, and the quests themselves don't feel like fetch quests... go here to get this, go there to get that... feeling so isolated from everything the character is trying to accomplish... the feel truly part of V's life. Something V wants to do, reveals who V really is.

Thus, open world with a focus. I'm addicted!

Not a huge fan of driving cars in this game, but... my suggestion? Get a motorcycle! I'm flying through the city at 50-150 clicks... love going hard on the brakes screeching the rear tire making the corner, keep on the throttle, get on the reverse throttle at the same time as you corner, you drift through the corner while losing only the speed you need. I'm constantly lane splitting between vehicles, getting places pretty quick until I reach pretty congested areas.

Obviously, drive as traffic allows, gotta slow to a crawl still at busy intersections.

For motorcycles, the driving mechanic works great, pretty clumsy though with cars. I only drive around in 3rd person, the mechanic feels clumsy even for motorcycles in first person.
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Picked up AC Valhalla recently, been playing quite a bit of it recently. Can't say it is a 100% improvement from Odyssey, but being able to fanboy as a Viking has quenched my video game need for a while now.

If anyone has a PS4 and Valhalla i'll add you so I can hire your Jomsviking.
Do you like assasins creed? If I eventually get a new system, that was one game I’d consider. The last one I had was assasins creed 3.
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The Assassin's Creed games have changed significantly since ACIII. They are now less focused on the assassins/templar thing and it's more of a huge open world map with a ton of stuff to do. The combat seems to be more wide open instead of stealth based too. I think they are definitely still good games and you get a ton of value for the price. there is so much to do in the game if you really want to get a lot out of it. I haven't gotten Valhalla yet but I probably would once I can get it at a lower price. I know the value is there like I said even at ~$50 but I still have so many other games to play first.

For Cyberpunk, I think I'm going to wait until we get the free PS5 upgrade sometime next year. I've heard too many stories about it not running well and glitches on the regular console version. I've heard it runs how it's supposed to on a high-end PC but it just doesn't fit with the Xbox One/PS4. I'll definitely get to it eventually though. Fine with waiting and avoiding any story stuff.

Finished Miles Morales last week, and picked up Resident Evil 3 Remake and finished that in a couple days. RE2 Remake was one of my favorite games the year it came out and this one is good too, just not nearly as much content. I had heard that was the case so waited until I could get it for ~$20.

Up next, Persona 5 Royal and Sekiro :)
Yeah I heard Cyberpunk has been a big disappointment so far. Bugs and graphics are one thing. Plus most of the time graphics never bothered me and bugs can be fixed. However, I hear complaints about the A.I. being brain dead. Instead of games where cops come from off driving in from the edge of mini maps the cops in cyber punk just spawn behind you. The world feeling like a dead city.

I still plan on getting the game, but I'm glad I decided to wait. One of those games where expectations got put so high that you can't expect the studio to fulfill them.
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Reactions: Dee Oh Cee
Yeah I heard Cyberpunk has been a big disappointment so far. Bugs and graphics are one thing. Plus most of the time graphics never bothered me and bugs can be fixed. However, I hear complaints about the A.I. being brain dead. Instead of games where cops come from off driving in from the edge of mini maps the cops in cyber punk just spawn behind you. The world feeling like a dead city.

I still plan on getting the game, but I'm glad I decided to wait. One of those games where expectations got put so high that you can't expect the studio to fulfill them.

I think your satisfaction with the game depends on your expectations. A lot of people expected some sort of weird GTA-RPG hybrid with immersive open world, and the doesn't game deliver in that regard. I went in expecting quality storylines, characters and writing, and the game really delivers on those regards so it's more or less exactly what I hoped it would be. That said, waiting for patches and fixes seems like a sound strategy if you have the patience for it.

Most of the glaring issues are related to the open world and emergent gameplay. I think the worst thing about the cops isn't how they spawn, but how they don't even know how to follow you by car. People who expect GTA-style police chases are going to be really disappointed when getting in a car is basically a get-out-of-jail-free card.
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I picked up Cyberpunk and play on a decent gaming laptop, can't remember the specs but it cost me about $1200. I played after the 1st patch came out.

Disclaimer, I'm not very far into it ... just got through the big heist intro to the game and am now playing as Johnny Silverhands. It runs decently on high settings, but there are some big framedrops at times. Probably better performance on medium. But it looks great. only had a couple of bugs so far, nothing game breaking. My buddy walked through my car to get in, one enemy disappeared except for his two handguns that continued to fire, and an inventory item pop-up didn't go away until the next dialog cut-scene.

Story seems really cool, interested to get into the side-missions since that is what I really liked about The Witcher. So far, so good. Seems like a good game so long as you don't go into it expecting game of the decade...
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Reactions: Dee Oh Cee
I think your satisfaction with the game depends on your expectations. A lot of people expected some sort of weird GTA-RPG hybrid with immersive open world, and the doesn't game deliver in that regard. I went in expecting quality storylines, characters and writing, and the game really delivers on those regards so it's more or less exactly what I hoped it would be. That said, waiting for patches and fixes seems like a sound strategy if you have the patience for it.

Most of the glaring issues are related to the open world and emergent gameplay. I think the worst thing about the cops isn't how they spawn, but how they don't even know how to follow you by car. People who expect GTA-style police chases are going to be really disappointed when getting in a car is basically a get-out-of-jail-free card.
Yes and no... it doesn't get you out of jail completely. Cops are posted in many places, and if you're wanted, those cops will come after you. The get out of jail free card is actually going to a store... as that gets you off everyone's radar.

The graphics are fine on the ps4 pro... it's the base ps4 that has the graphics issues. I think the same is true with the xbox one base system... it's mostly fine on the xbox one x.

The game is definitely not a dead world, it is packed... very dense. The writing and characters are absolutely fantastic.

My only complaint is as I mentioned earlier... the car driving mechanics are clumsy. Not a lot of fun to be had driving the cars... but the motorcycles ride great, so I can live with that.
Yes and no... it doesn't get you out of jail completely. Cops are posted in many places, and if you're wanted, those cops will come after you. The get out of jail free card is actually going to a store... as that gets you off everyone's radar.

The graphics are fine on the ps4 pro... it's the base ps4 that has the graphics issues. I think the same is true with the xbox one base system... it's mostly fine on the xbox one x.

The game is definitely not a dead world, it is packed... very dense. The writing and characters are absolutely fantastic.

My only complaint is as I mentioned earlier... the car driving mechanics are clumsy. Not a lot of fun to be had driving the cars... but the motorcycles ride great, so I can live with that.
The dead world compliant I heard is less about how packed it is. I just saw people think mini games are lacking and there isn't much to do outside of the story and quests. Someone on reddit just was talking about how take a game like GTA where you can play hours without touching a mission, but in Cyberpunk they feel like you run out of activities to do.

Didn't Xbox/PS4 get a patch to fix a lot of the graphic issues too?
I am playing it on a PS4 as well. No significant issues. Had it freeze up a couple times but for how much fun it is, oh well.

I love it. I cheesed it a little for a day and built up a lot of money with the crafting grenade, disassemble, and sell off all epic/rare parts loophole that I’m sure will be patched. Game is a blast when you can start upgrading at the ripperdocs with some high end stuff. Nothing more fun than leaving carnage of a group of people with the mantis blades.
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Reactions: Dee Oh Cee
The dead world compliant I heard is less about how packed it is. I just saw people think mini games are lacking and there isn't much to do outside of the story and quests. Someone on reddit just was talking about how take a game like GTA where you can play hours without touching a mission, but in Cyberpunk they feel like you run out of activities to do.

Didn't Xbox/PS4 get a patch to fix a lot of the graphic issues too?
This game isn't a sand box to go around just making up shit to do if that's what you mean. I'm glad it's not. I find those uninspiring myself.

I've generally not been a fan of open world gaming. This is the first open world game I truly like, because it IS different than typical open world games.
Anyone into racing sim?

Thinking of building a rig. Haven’t done much more than enjoying racing games and instead of dropping a good amount of money on a quicker car this summer, debating building a set up.
Anyone into racing sim?

Thinking of building a rig. Haven’t done much more than enjoying racing games and instead of dropping a good amount of money on a quicker car this summer, debating building a set up.
I think one of the longtime Finns around here actually does like commentating on racing sims tourneys. Can’t remember who though. :laugh:
I think one of the longtime Finns around here actually does like commentating on racing sims tourneys. Can’t remember who though. :laugh:

Going back in time looks like it may have been @Puhis ?

Anyway, looking into it, looks like it will be around $7k-ish if I purchase all of the things I know I will eventually upgrade to anyway. I can sell off items from another hobby and get a good portion of the way there I think.
Going back in time looks like it may have been @Puhis ?

Anyway, looking into it, looks like it will be around $7k-ish if I purchase all of the things I know I will eventually upgrade to anyway. I can sell off items from another hobby and get a good portion of the way there I think.

I can help you out, shoot me a PM or just discuss here. I actually work in sim hardware these days!


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