So I came across a convict running out of the woods in shackles, and he's begging me to shoot off the shackles, saying that he was framed. I figure what the hell, I'll give this guy a second chance. He says thanks, runs off into the woods, and I move on.
Later in the game, I come across him AGAIN in the exact same situation, shackled in a prison jumpsuit running away. I shoot the shackles off again, just for the lulz. He said he doesn't have any money or anything, but he wants to repay me. He knows about a house on the river in south Lemoyne, apparently an old drunk lives there, and it would be an easy target to rob.
So I head down there to scope it out. I sneak into the house, and crouch down on a wall. I can hear an argument in the other room. I see an older guy, and an adult son (like 18-24ish). The dad is obviously drunk, and the son is yelling about how he's going to leave and live with mom. The dad hits the son, and the son runs out of the room, right into me. He screams "Dad! There's someone in the house!" Dad comes at me, draws a gun, and fires at me, so I blast him. The kid is laying on the ground, in fear, asking why I would do this, begging me for his life. I loot the stash of money from the chimney and leave the house.
Later in the game, I was in the area again, so I stopped by the house to see if the kid had left to go live with his mom and left the house abandoned. It looks pretty abandoned, so I start looting everything in sight. I walk into a room, and the kid is sitting on the bed reading a book! He screams, and then says "I'm ready for you this time!!!", he grabs a knife and lunges at me. I push him to the ground and lay a few punches on him, and sprint out of the house.
I actually felt legit terrible about it. So now I've broken into the kid's house twice. Killed his dad the first time, and looted almost everything he owns the second time

I'm really curious to see if that develops into something later in the game, where he tries to hunt me down.
But just the fact that he remembered me from the first time I was there, and PLANNED for me to come back, is just insane to me. These interactions had enough depth to practically be a mission, and it's just a random encounter with NPCs, that I would have never experienced if I didn't actively seek it out.