I like the team. Now the question is, can we get at least close to that effort we got at Oly`s..
And what about this guys:
Was he cut off, or is he still with the team?? TBH i didn't even know about him until he our camp.

Would be interesting if the makes the final roster.
Well, unless someone or something changes the mind of Kr. Rēdlihs/Reķis/OzoliņÅ¡, he's definitely going to make the final roster.
The fact that he's probably going to make the team really shows that defence is our weak spot not only this year, but also thinking about our long term prospects.
OzoliņÅ¡/Reķis are going to retire at some point in the near future. The same applies to LaviņÅ¡ (39 yo), who has made our Minsk line-up. Pujacs, Kr. Rēdlihs, J. Rēdlihs are 32-33 years old, so they're past their peak and not that far from the usual retirement age.
Some still consider Sotnieks, GalviņÅ¡ or Bārtulis 'the young ones', but they're at their peak right now.
The last Latvian defender to be drafted by an NHL team was Arturs Kulda in 2006. There are no obvious young talents who could be a part of our national team in the short term and not bring the level down. The only exception is Ralfs Freibergs, who has been disqualified for 2 years for using doping and considering his age that might end his career. Hopefully it won't, but it can happen.
Who else is there? Porejs, Siksna, Dikis and the rest of all the Dinamo scrubs have looked subpar to say the least.
Sevcenko has done well in ECHL, but he's 23 and that's a minor pro league. The same applies to Kolesnikovs (playing in Denmark

), etc.
So, yeah, it's more depressing rather than interesting, although I most certainly wouldn't mind if Jaks would use the chance that's given to him and prove me wrong.