Learn from my mistakes lesson # too high to count.
TLDR: don't show Granny neat stuff that you don't want around X-mas time.
My kid loves rocks, the shinier the better. She'll pick up enough random rocks in a year to fill a couple 5 gallon buckets. Her Granny has too much money and likes to spend it. While I was looking at houses/land for Granny (a few posts earlier in this thread) I came across some cheap (less than $5k for 20 acres) mining rights land near Yellowstone (so not close to anyone at all).
I just thought it was something neat and interesting so I sent the link to the wife. Now I know jack and squat about what mining rights are, and was just wondering if she knew anything about them. Nothing more than future dinner table conversation that might interest the kid (because shiny rocks). It's also something different than the high school drama I'm really sick of hearing about every day.
Well the wife (unknown to me) sent the link to Granny. That same night I chat with the kid about it as we're out doing stuff. Her first words were "Do you think Granny would buy that for me?" I laugh; because I won the bet with the wife about her reaction; and remind her how far away it is and with she would do with it. "Shiny rocks" was her answer. So I'm like "No, don't ask Granny. It's far away and you're in high school. Plus you have no plans to live near Yellowstone when you grow up."
We get home and I tell the wife about the conversation with the kid. She replies with "Granny just asked if she should buy it for the kid as an Xmas present, because she likes rocks."
WTF, how does Granny know about this? That's when I then learn she shared the link with Granny.
Now I have no clue if Granny is going to buy these mining rights. I'm afraid to ask. Just in case she forgot about it and it would be a reminder (or she might mistake it as a hint).
That being said, I'm now becoming an internet expert on mining rights. I'm also down a youtube rabbit hole on how to pan/mine/dig for gold. This is something I have no interest in ever doing. It also looks like work that my body (bad ankle, back, and shoulder) is too broken to really do. Even the youtubers I've watched say that it's just a money-sink hobby for them.
So yea, I'm 75% sure it's going to happen, just because it's my luck.