Raccoon Jesus
We were right there
I can understand the reluctance of some segments of the population to get vaccinated, especially healthy people that are 20-40 years of age. There are some issues regarding myocarditis in young men which are not well understood.
It's a personal choice. I have been vaccinated, so I guess I don't consider it a public health issue as much as an individual one, since everyone has had an equal opportunity to get fully vaccinated.
What's helpful towards the 'personal choice' in this case is how it appears to be almost completely unvaccinated folks that are still getting hit with it.
When it was masking/social distancing I believe there was a good argument to be made about where freedoms clash--ie your 'right' to not wear a mask vs. my 'right' to public safety--but in this case, if someone else wants to risk it and go unvaccinated but I'm like 99% safe? Have at it. This is what we were going for and it would be hypocritical to turn against that now.