The team LITERALLY CANNOT SCORE A GOAL and the answer is to blame SorokinIf this was jeopardy, the answer would be : Who is Vitek Vanecek?
The clue: The latest bum to outplay our "elite" 9 million dollar goalie.
We are outshooting 23-10 and generally outplaying them for most of the game and down 2-0. I don't know what else you guys would want the team to do. This happens far too often. Sorokin's tracking, movement, rebound control and reflexes have been dreadful again. Even the few shots he has stopped or the ones that have gone wide, he looks out of position on and everything is an adventure.
Meanwhile Vitek Vanecek, a below average goalie in every way, allows no rebounds and is in position on every shot.
Stupid franchise, stupid fans. You guys deserve to see this garbage product because we OBVIOUSLY blame the goalie when you can't score a goal against a literal trash goalie. But nah son. outshooting 23-10 and it isnt on the Forwards either. Where's Horvat and Palmieri? Team got no bite.