I love the traditional Bettman boo but I've never understood why some feel he's done a bad job. More often than not it seems people are unaware of what his job responsibility is.
I've heard ranging opinions that he is partially responsible for the Beach/Hawks situation.
In this thread alone (which garnered a lot of likes) I saw Bettman getting blamed for ticket prices being unaffordable.
It basically borders on the same logic of when you hear people blame their life problems on the Prime Minister or President or whatever.
This is a shot towards a couple of my posts so here we go lol. His job is to work for the owners, I get and have gotten it.A lot of pro Bettman say he has increased revenue, great, for the owners and sponsors. The average fan, how does this impact us what so ever? I have yet to receive a check from the NHL personally.
He sold the islanders to a scam artist worth 60 grand. His job is to check out potential new buyers. May I ask how this is good?
He helps owners find funding to new areans. New arenas are expensive and tickets tend to rise so the owner can break even. How is this not Bettman playing a role in rising costs for the average Joe?
Bettman has a direct hand in CBA negotiations and salary cap raises or decreases. Higher player salaries mean higher prices for the average Jie which include tickets. Uh yeah Bettman has no role in higher ticket prices you say?
Bettman handing out a pathetic 2 million dollar fine to the Blackhawk organization worth a billion for covering up a coach assaulting young adults sexually hurts the leagues image. Which hurts the sponsors image risking them pulling sponsorship? That hurts the owners bottom line money wise. Bettmans job is to look out for the owners interest right?
His complete disregard for CTE directly affects owners because health insurance are starting to refuse to cover brain related injuries. Who pays for that, the Owners. Bettman works for the owners best interest right?
Finally under Bettman, the league has one full season canceled plus many other partially canceled seasons in order to keep player salaries low for owners. While the owners lost billions in revenue over those lost games. Salaries have steadily increased every year outside of the canceled season and are now at the same level as pre 2006 NHL. All that canceling for nothing right?
Unless your getting paid by the NHL, how the hell can any NHL fan defend this guy and say he was a “good commissioner.” He has spent 20 plus years working against the fans interest and priced out the common folk.