Recently tried a couple games that just aren't for me. I heard of Pseudoregalia recently and grabbed the Humble Bundle with it. The platforming is tight but everything else is meh. I don't mind the early 3D aesthetic but the game is too much of a maze and the rooms all look the same so it's hard to remember where you are and where you want to go. I was never a fan of those trial and error maze games so I gave up after the first half hour.
Also tried NBA Playgrounds 2, hoping for something like NBA Jam and was really disappointed. The microtransactions are straight up mobile level. The game play isn't fun enough either. To shoot you have to hold the shoot button and watch a small meter on the bottom of the screen to let go at the right time. Missing the window is a guaranteed miss. When going for threes, when you do get the timing just right, it's still only ~33% chance to get a three pointer. Considering you'll probably miss the meter filling more than half the time with how small the window is, you probably have a 10% chance to hit a three so there's really no point. Then you're just left driving the basket and going for 2 after 2 after 2 with boring lay ups. Maybe a diehard basketball fan will like this but I'm not a basketball fan and the game play isn't fun.
I'm trying to decide what to even start next. I've been plowing through some shorter games. I still kind of want to go through more shorter games but not sure which one on my backlog to start.