I don't think that's the issue, as it's usually going to Pasta or Lohrei. They're doing it way too deep in their own end which defeats the purpose of pushing the defenders back to their own blueline. It's best executed when it's a drop pass from the center faceoff as the defenders have given ground to a player already generating some speed at his own blueline. But they need to be aware because the way teams defend against the drop pass it just to clog the neutral zone with defenders fronting their own blueline. I want to see the Bruins try a fake drop pass / then dump in over the defense with the wingers coming in with speed on the forecheck.Not to mention in the Bruins case, they usually miss the player with the pass or the player accepting the pass is too slow and lacks talent and IQ to enter the zone with possession!
To their credit, the Bruins PP has a lot more moving parts to it as opposed to the start of the year where everyone seemed way too stagnent. They're moving, switching sides, trying to catch defenders on cross over plays, etc etc.