He was told there would be snacks.colin graf looks like a 15 year old who just got woken up at 11am on a saturday
Warsofsky prematurely prepping the OT starting lineup of Vlasic, Grundstrom, Thompson
Warsofsky relying on Goodrow and Kunin consistently to 'close out games' should be grounds for immediate dismissal for gross misconduct.good job Warsofsky for putting the Goodrow line out with less than a minute in a tied game.
Would be better if it was a milkn carton with the cup on the cartonI just realized that the Leafs have a "milk" sponsorship on their jerseys and Oreo on their helmets.
That's... actually kinda brilliant.
6 shots on net and i feel like all 6 have been high end chancesI’ve lost count of how many chances Smith’s had.
6 shots on net and i feel like all 6 have been high end chances.