ReleasO The KakkO WhereO is Kakko has been found Mar 24, 2022 2,109 2,088 Yesterday at 9:51 PM #801 Not even on net. Great kill(so far).
noncents Registered User Feb 25, 2022 3,212 3,941 Yesterday at 9:51 PM #802 f*** me Reactions: RangerLifer
Boris Zubov No relation to Sergei, Joe May 6, 2016 21,632 31,516 Back on the east coast Yesterday at 9:52 PM #804 Igor special. Reactions: ReleasO The KakkO and RangerLifer
Atax Registered User Apr 7, 2011 6,345 8,080 Yesterday at 9:52 PM #805 I apologize for willing this into the universe Reactions: mike14
mike14 Rampage Sherpa Jun 22, 2006 20,970 14,923 Melbourne Yesterday at 9:52 PM #806 Well that sucks Reactions: Atax and RangerLifer
KirkAlbuquerque #WeNeverGetAGoodCoach Mar 12, 2014 38,938 47,761 New York Yesterday at 9:52 PM #807 oh oh Lav you cant turtle anymore what do? Reactions: Atax and RangerLifer
FoxysExpensiveNYDigs Boo Nieves Truther Feb 27, 2002 7,245 5,221 Colorado Yesterday at 9:52 PM #809 BIG play by Zib to get a stick on Ovi on that rush
offdacrossbar misfit fanboy Jun 25, 2006 16,326 4,095 da cuse Yesterday at 9:52 PM #810 Anyone but him Reactions: RangerLifer
DanielBrassard It's all so tiresome May 6, 2014 25,300 25,961 PA from SI Yesterday at 9:52 PM #811 Of course Reactions: RangerLifer
Brother Mouzone Registered User May 23, 2014 3,793 8,229 Yesterday at 9:52 PM #812 Reactions: gabevh3 and RangersFan
Raspewtin Stay at home defenseman hater May 30, 2013 44,346 22,047 Yesterday at 9:52 PM #813 man that was just a really good play. not even mad.
RangersFan Registered User Feb 27, 2002 13,088 6,115 NY, NY Yesterday at 9:52 PM #814 this f***ing guy still hurting us at 39 Reactions: gabevh3, Atax and RangerLifer
RangerLifer Formerly known as Captain Lindy Apr 1, 2006 17,455 14,118 Virginia Yesterday at 9:53 PM #815 I'm getting a headache.
noncents Registered User Feb 25, 2022 3,212 3,941 Yesterday at 9:53 PM #816 honestly that's dehaans fault from the jones rush poor shot Reactions: Chytilmania
Irishguy42 Mr. Preachy Sep 11, 2015 27,164 19,715 NJ Yesterday at 9:53 PM #817 It would be the most Rongos thing ever if they let him score 10 more tonight. Reactions: gabevh3 and I Eat Crow
ReleasO The KakkO WhereO is Kakko has been found Mar 24, 2022 2,109 2,088 Yesterday at 9:53 PM #818 wtf was Igor looking at?
FoxysExpensiveNYDigs Boo Nieves Truther Feb 27, 2002 7,245 5,221 Colorado Yesterday at 9:53 PM #819 Ugh. You just knew it would happen Reactions: RangerLifer
Filthy Dangles Mama says I'm very handsome Sponsor Oct 23, 2014 30,392 43,104 Yesterday at 9:53 PM #820 you gotta be kidding me Reactions: bl02 and RangerLifer
TheGortonConspiracy Wow its a nice GM May 2, 2017 2,950 4,213 NYC Yesterday at 9:53 PM #821 soft f***ing call Reactions: RangerLifer and Cmox
RangersFan1994 Registered User Aug 20, 2019 19,357 16,007 Yesterday at 9:53 PM #822 Why is Birgen in the box when the goal is scored really? Reactions: Cmox and TheGortonConspiracy
Profet Longtime lurker Sponsor Jul 5, 2002 8,714 12,591 NY Yesterday at 9:53 PM #823 Wait... The penalty still counts? Isn't that a delayed penalty situation? Edit... Nm.. was a PP goal Reactions: Cmox
will1066 If you score four, you better f'n win the game Oct 12, 2008 52,667 75,991 Yesterday at 9:53 PM #824 Imploding Reactions: FoxysExpensiveNYDigs
DuneGoon84 Registered User Jun 21, 2019 2,674 2,975 Yesterday at 9:53 PM #825 That happened Before they scored what kind of BS is this